Collect the eternal treasures

I am your God, merciful father, of immense glory and grace ready to forgive your every sin. I want to tell you in this dialogue not to think in your life only about material things but to dedicate your life to spirituality, you must collect eternal treasures. In this world everything passes, everything vanishes, but what never goes away is me, my words, my kingdom, your soul. My son said "heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away". Yes, that's right, my words will never pass. I have given you my word in order that you listen to it, put it into practice and can collect in your life the eternal treasures that will lead you to live an endless life in my kingdom.

I in this world with the action of my Spirit I have raised up favorite souls who have followed my word. They followed the teachings of my son Jesus. You must do this too. Do not attach your heart to the riches of the world, it does not give you anything, only a momentary happiness, but then your life is empty, a life without meaning. The true meaning of life can only be given by me who am the creator of everything, I am the one who governs the world and everything moves according to my will. I am more omnipotent than when you can think. Many men see evil in the world and think that I am absent, they doubt my existence or that I live in the skies. But I make sure that you also do evil to make you understand your weaknesses and I know how to derive all good from the evil that you do.

Search in this world to collect eternal treasures. Don't base your life on material alone. I tell you to also live a material life but your main source must be me. Who gives the daily food? And everything around you? It is I who also give material graces so that you can live in this world but I do not want you to attach your heart to what I give you. I want you to attach your heart to me, I who am your creator, your God. I always move with your compassion and do everything for you. Of this you must not doubt. I love every creature of mine and I provide for every man, I also provide for those who don't believe in me.

You don't have to fear anything. Attach your heart to me, look for me, turn your gaze to me and I do everything for you. I fill your soul with divine light and when you come to me one day your light will shine in the kingdom of heaven. Love me above all else. What is it for you to love the things of the world? Are they the ones who accidentally give life? If it were up to you to stay on your feet you would immediately fall. It is I who give you strength in everything you do. And if sometimes I allow your life to be difficult and all tied to a design of mine that I have for you, a design of eternal life.

Search for eternal treasures. Only in eternal treasures will you have true joy, only in eternal treasures will you find serenity. Everything around you is mine and does not belong to you. You are only an administrator of your things, but one day you will leave this world and all that you have will be given to others, with you you carry only eternal treasures. What are the eternal treasures? The eternal treasures are my word that you must put into practice, they are my commands that you must observe, the prayer that unites you with me and fills your soul with divine graces and the charity that you must have with your brothers. If you do these things you will be my favorite son, a man who will shine like stars in this world, you will be remembered by all as an example of loyalty to me.
I tell you "do not attach your heart to this world but only to eternal treasures". My son Jesus said "you cannot serve two masters, you will love one and you will hate the other, you cannot serve God and wealth". My beloved son I want to tell you that you must not love wealth but you must love me, I who am the God of life. I love you so much and I would do crazy things for you but I am also a God jealous of your love and I want you to give me the first place in your life. If you do this you will not miss anything but you will see that many small miracles will happen in your life since I move in your favor.

My son seeks eternal wealth, divine wealth. You will be blessed in front of me and I will give you Heaven. I love you so much, I will love you forever, that's why I want you to look for me. I am eternal wealth.