Blind-eyed girl regains sight in Medjugorje


Raffaella Mazzocchi was blind in one eye when her family convinced her to go to Medjugorje. Seeing the miracle of the sun, she seemed to be able to see with both eyes for five minutes but she realized that she saw us with both opening first the sick eye, then both, and her unexplained healing was complete.

During Mirjana Gradicevic-Soldo's appearance on October 2, 2011, after witnessing the miracle of the sun, Raffaella Mazzocchi's vision had completely recovered. Blind in one eye at one time and healed in another. There is nothing gradual in the healing of Raffaella's vision.

She was 16 on December 22, 2001 when the girl completely lost sight of her right eye while she was in school. Doctors quickly discovered that the problem was caused by a retro bulbar optic neuritis, a virus that irreversibly destroyed her optic nerve.

“It was a hopeless healing diagnosis, and no cure seemed to work. I was forced to leave school because I was unable to study. I couldn't even sleep and I had to take psychotropic drugs ... In this state, I experienced an eight-year nightmare. I lost my faith, I stopped attending the Church. " This was the situation of Raffaella Mazzocchi.

“One day my aunts, my mother and my sister decided to go to Medjugorje, and they wanted me to go with them at any cost. I was reluctant, ended up succumbing to my family's appeals but had no intention of praying for my recovery. "

Raffaella and her family arrived in Medjugorje and climbed the apparition hill on June 26, 2009. On the way something attracted the attention of the family.

My sister noticed that the sun was moving abnormally and seemed to be dancing. I then took my sister's sunglasses and with my good eye, the left one, I saw at first the sun that turned and pulsed almost approaching my face and going back, and then I saw it change color, becoming red, blue, orange, green ”, reports Raffaella Mazzocchi.

“Finally I took off my glasses and began to cry desperately because I thought I was losing sight of my left eye and that I was going completely blind. My cries attracted many pilgrims who crowded around me, but I kept screaming even more desperately because I felt a strong ardor in my eyes ".
“Total blindness lasted about five minutes, the longest in my life. When my mother saw me in a panic, she ran to try to calm me down somehow "

“I was with my head down and my eyes closed when suddenly I felt the urge to open my right eye, the sick eye, and I could see my hands. I opened the other eye and looked good on that too. "

“Moving my hands in front of both eyes I understood that I was healed but instead of jumping for joy, I was stuck and full of fear. Looking at my mother, she understood the change that had taken place in me and ran to hug me. In the end all the pilgrims embraced me. "

“From that day on my vision was totally restored and so far I have a perfect vision of 11/10. and most importantly, I rediscovered the faith and now I can really see it in all directions. "