Girl dies defending herself from rape: beatified by Pope Francis.

The story we're going to tell you today is about a 20-year-old girl Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos and its tragic end.


Born in 1962 in Barcelona, ​​Cristina moved to Juiz de Fora to study medicine. Cristina comes from a humble but very Catholic family. Her motto has always been " smile Jesus loves you“. The girl spends her days dedicating herself to volunteer work and praying at the Visitation Monastery.

In this new city, Cris shares an apartment with fellow students awaiting the arrival of her brother who will take her to live with him. The girl attends a contemporary of hers, but the relationship is chaste and always conceived with mutual respect.


During the period of renovation of the house, Cristina receives some unpleasant things advances by a worker who was in charge of assembling the new furniture in the house. The man addressed Cristina with unpleasant and vulgar phrases, putting her in difficulty. Cristina has always decisively rejected and discouraged these attitudes on the part of man.

But unfortunately 2 days later, when the man comes back, feeling rejected again, he ties up and savagely beats the girl.

Christina's sad death

To ensure that the neighborhood does not notice the noise, the man turns up the volume of the TV and stereo. His intentions were to rape the girl, who in the meantime shells the Rosary in your hands and start praying. Those were the last moments of Cristina's life, shot to death by 15 stab wounds.

Maurilio Almeida Oliviera, this is the name of the culprit of the murder of Cristina, was sentenced to 19 years in prison but always proclaiming himself innocent, he managed to escape and since then nothing has been heard of him.

Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos has been recognized as martyr in 2020, when Papa Francesco authorized the decree. The young Brazilian was beatified Saturday 10 December 2022, as a Virgin and martyr. Forty years earlier, the autopsy had confirmed that Cristina never lost her virginity.

Currently the remains of the new blessed rest in the church of Our Lady of Piety in Barbacena.