Say the most powerful prayer for those in need of urgent help, it works

This XNUMXth century prayer it has been associated with numerous miracles over the years.

It is one of the best known Catholic prayers for the Blessed Virgin Mary, almost as popular as the Ave Maria: it is the Memorize. It is an ancient prayer that has a miraculous reputation.

Prayer, traditionally attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux, takes its name from the first word of the original Latin prayer. However, prayer as we know it today is actually found within a much broader prayer to the Virgin Mary entitled Ad sanctitatis tuae pedes, dulcissima Virgo Maria ("At your holy feet, most sweet Virgin Mary").

The Memorare was popularized by another Bernard, father Claude Bernard, in the 200.000th century: he believed that the recitation of the prayer was the cause of his miraculous recovery. He printed more than XNUMX prayer flyers in different languages ​​for distribution where he could.

St. Francis de Sales recited the prayer every day and Saint Teresa of Calcutta she taught others to pray to her when they needed help most.

Mother Teresa he prayed to her whenever he was faced with an emergency situation.

For those unfamiliar with prayer, it is found below.

Remember, O most kind Virgin Mary,
that it was never known that whoever fled under your protection,
he begged for your help, or sought your intercession
was left helpless.

Inspired by this confidence,
To you I fly, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.
I come to you, I stand before you, a sinner and grieving.
O Mother of the Incarnate Word,
do not despise my pleas,
but in your mercy listen to me and answer me.
