Today we recite this chaplet to Our Lady of Sorrows. Our Lady promises special graces

A Pater, Ave and Gloria is recited for every pain of Mary


In the first post we consider the pain of the Blessed Virgin, when on the day of her presentation in the Temple, the Passion and Death of her Jesus was proclaimed to her by the holy old Simeon, with these heartbreaking words: «Here is the place for a sign of contradiction; and your soul itself will be pierced by a sword! ». A Pater and seven Ave Maria.


In the second post the pain of the Blessed Virgin is considered, when, due to the persecution of the cruel king Herod, who was looking for his divine Son to death, he had to flee to Egypt. One Pater and seven Ave Maria.


In the third post we consider the pain of the Most Holy Virgin, when, after having been with her Jesus and with St. Joseph in Jerusalem, for the Holy Easter, on returning to Nazareth, she noticed the absence of her divine Son; and sorrowful she sought him for three days. A Pater and seven Ave Maria.


In the fourth post we consider the pain of the Most Holy Virgin, when on the Via del Calvario, she met with her divine Son, who carried on his own shoulders that cross, in which he was to be barbarously stuck for the health of the world. A Pater and seven Ave Maria.


In the fifth post we consider the pain of the Most Holy Virgin, when at the foot of that cross, from which her divine Son hung, all covered with blood and wounds, she witnessed her most painful agony and painful death. A Pater and seven Ave Maria.


In the sixth post the pain of the Blessed Virgin is considered, when, having deposed Jesus from the cross, and received him in her womb, he could more closely contemplate the cruel massacre caused in that most sacred humanity, by the perversity of men. A Pater and seven Ave Maria.


In the seventh post the pain of the Blessed Virgin is considered, when she had to lay and abandon the adored body of her divine Son in the sepulcher. A Pater and seven Ave Maria.

Plus three Ave Maria in memory of the tears scattered by the SS. Virgin in her Sorrows.