Reflect, today, both on your faith in all that God has said

“The servants went out into the streets and gathered everything they found, good and bad alike, and the hall was filled with guests. But when the king entered to meet the guests, he saw a man who was not wearing the wedding dress. He said to him, "My friend, how come you came here without a wedding dress?" But he was silenced. Then the king said to his servants: "Bind him hands and feet and throw him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Many are invited, but few are chosen. "Matthew 22: 10-14

This can be quite shocking at first. In this parable, the king has invited many to his son's wedding feast. Many refused the invitation. Then he sent his servants to gather whoever would come and the hall was full. But when the king entered, there was one who was not wearing the wedding dress and we can see what happens to him in the passage above.

Again, at first glance this might be a little shocking. Did this man really deserve to be tied hand and foot and thrown out into the darkness where they moan and grind his teeth just because he wasn't wearing the right clothes? Certainly not.

Understanding this parable requires that we understand the symbolism of the wedding dress. This garment is the symbol of those who are dressed in Christ and, in particular, of those who are therefore full of charity. There is a very interesting lesson to be learned from this passage.

First, the fact that this man was at the wedding banquet means that he has responded to the invitation. This is an indication of faith. Therefore, this man symbolizes one who has faith. Secondly, the lack of a wedding dress means that he is one who has faith and believes everything God says, but has not allowed that faith to permeate his heart and soul to the point of producing true conversion and , therefore, true charity. It is the lack of charity in the young man that condemns him.

The interesting point is that it is possible for us to have faith, but to lack charity. Faith is believing what God reveals to us. But even the demons believe! Charity requires that we embrace it within and let it transform our lives. This is an important point to understand because we can sometimes struggle with this same situation. Sometimes we may find that we believe on the level of faith, but we are not living it. Both are necessary for a life of authentic holiness.

Reflect, today, both on your faith in all that God has said, and on the charity that this will hopefully produce in your life. Being a Christian means letting faith flow from head to heart and will.

Lord, may I have deep faith in You and in everything You have said. May that faith penetrate my heart producing love for You and for others. Jesus I believe in you.