Religion: Women are not taken seriously by society

Since the world has existed, the figure of the woman, or the female figure for some nations of the world, is still seen as an inferior figure to the male one, for years now women have been fighting for equality, however, in many respects they have not it has still been reached as: in the work field and even in the domestic field. Religion expresses itself by saying that women are not taken seriously, are considered less able, less strong than men are identified as "weaker sex". So let's start from the working point of view, most women do not receive the salary equal to that of the man, this not only in Italy, but also in 17 countries of the world, this is due to the fact that the woman is not that does not have the skills, and the skills, or because she is inferior, but simply because she has a very important role in society: she is a mother, and this involves limiting their working career, many even abandon their jobs to devote themselves to their offspring, one of the reasons because, every year there are fewer births, parity has not yet been achieved.

There are some areas of the world, for example in the East where women are still considered an object and do not enjoy full freedom, as happens in European countries and in the USA where women can vote, work, drive, and go out without being accompanied. . Very often, many of them are raped, raped and even killed because maybe they rebelled against the man, or maybe because they were not able to give him sons this is very common in India, while in Iran, women cannot drive. and they are forced to wear a garment that covers the face. Monsignor Urbanczyk, permanent observer of the Holy See at the OSCE yesterday declared that every one should be able to make use of his talents, everyone must have access to work regardless of their sex, and guarantee equal pay for both men and women. He adds in saying that we must not lose sight of the family, fundamental cell for society and of the economy of tomorrow, together work and family form a superior value in society.