Return to God what belongs to God

My beloved son I am your father, God of immense glory and infinite mercy who forgives everything and loves everything. In this dialogue I want to educate you on one thing that you need: make God what belongs to God. You cannot live your life only on your earthly passions but you also need me, therefore you must also live your life in spirituality , in my love. Know that you are not eternal in this world and one day you will come to me and according to how you have lived life in this world you will be judged by me.

The only sure thing in your life is that one day you meet me. It will be a love encounter where I welcome you into my loving and fatherly arms and where I will welcome you into my kingdom for all eternity. But you in this world must show loyalty to me and therefore I ask you to respect my commands, I ask you to pray and be charitable with your brothers. Remove all envy, contention from you, but try to be perfect in love as I am perfect. Imitate the life of my son Jesus. He came to this world to leave you an example. Do not make his coming into this world vain, but listen to his word and put it into practice.

Return to me what is mine. I do not call you to live a sterile life in the body but I call you to do great things, but you must also give me what is mine. You must return your whole life and soul to me. I made you for Heaven and I didn't make you for a world full of earthly passions. My son Jesus himself when questioned said "return to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God". Follow this advice that my son Jesus gave you. He himself made my whole life by fulfilling his mission that I had entrusted to him in this world.

Return to God what belongs to God. Do not follow the systems of this world but follow my word. I can do everything for you but I want you to be faithful to me and you must not be a son away from me. I am your father and I don't want your death but I want you to live. I want you to live in this world and for eternity. If you make your life to me, I who am merciful I do everything for you, I do miracles, I move my powerful hand in your favor and extraordinary things will happen in your life.

I ask you also to return what is of this world to the world. Work, manage your wealth well, never harm your neighbor. Manage your life well even in this world, do not waste your existence. Many men throw their lives away in the most terrible earthly passions by destroying their life itself. But I don't want this from you. I want you to manage your life well, which I have given you. I want you to leave a mark in this world. A sign of my love, a sign of my omnipotence, I want you to follow my inspirations in this world and I will make you do great things.

Please return to God what belongs to God and to the world what belongs to this world. Do not let yourself go alone to your passions but also take care of your soul that is eternal and one day it will come to me. If you have shown me great loyalty, your reward will be. If you show me loyalty you will see benefits already at the present moment while living in this world. I also ask you to pray for your rulers whom I have called to this mission. Many of them do not act according to a right conscience, do not listen to me and think they are in their interests. They need your prayers so much to get the conversion, to get the graces necessary for the salvation of their soul.

Return to me what is mine. Give me your life, give me your soul. I am your father and I want you to follow me. As a good father gives good advice to his son so I who am a father of immense goodness give good advice to you. I want you to follow me, live your life with me, both together both in this world and for all eternity.