Give thanks to me

I am your God, father of immense glory that everything can do for you and moves with your compassion. I want you to always be in communion with me, to pray to me and to give me thanks continually. You can't live without me. I am the creator of everything and I can do everything but I want you to take the first step towards me and give me thanks for everything I do for you. I always move to help you but often you don't recognize my help. You think it is people who help you but I am the one who directs everything, even all the men who intervene in your life. Nothing happens by chance but I am the one who moves everything.

Often things don't go as you want and you attribute your evil to me. But you must not fall into anguish I have a life plan for you that you do not know but I who am almighty have established everything since eternity. You don't have to fear anything, you just have to think about being a friend of mine, my favorite soul and I will do great things in your life. If you often do not get what you ask for and only the reason that it is a path of life that I have not established for you but I am always ready to help you if you want it. I tell you now "always live my will". Many men live according to their pleasures and do not ask me to guide their life, they do not live my friendship and I am the god of their life. This does not make you do my will and therefore you cannot be happy since it does not develop your vocation.

You must live my will, you must implement the designs that I have prepared in your life and you must always give thanks to me. I appreciate the prayer of thanks since I understand that one of my children is happy with the gift of life, I do everything for him. When you live in a painful situation you don't have to worry. As my son Jesus said "when a plant bears fruit it is pruned to bear even more fruit". I do pruning in your life also through pain to call you to live new experiences, to raise your soul to me, but you must not rebel against your pain I am preparing you for a new path of life. Do not trust your pain but trust me. Give thanks continually and you will see that I hear your every request according to my will.

Then when you ask for something that does not conform to my will, you say with faith "my God, think about it", I take care of your life and take your steps towards my will. You never despair but pray to me, give thanks to me, ask and I will do everything for you. Even my son Jesus when he was on this earth in his life prayed to me a lot. I assisted him and did everything for him. We had perfect communion. Do as you did my son Jesus. You are in continuous communion with me and when you see that something is wrong with your life, ask me and I will give you an answer. I live in you and speak to your heart. I apply the plans of life that I have for each of my children for the good of every man, for the good of all humanity.

My son thank me continually. If you could see everything I do for you I would always thank you. I am always close to you, I make sure that your life is wonderful, it is a spiritual life, a life oriented towards me. You cannot think that I am a bad God and I do not think of my children but I am a good father who I take care of each of you. I call each of you to eternal life, to live in Paradise, in my kingdom, for all eternity. You don't have to fear anything you just have to love me, live in communion with me and thank me for everything I do for you. If you do this you will see that everything that happens to you in life will be clear since you do not live to satisfy your passions but to fulfill my will. Even my son Jesus on this earth made liberations, healings, but then he had to die on the cross for your salvation. I ask every man to make a sacrifice for humanity. You do not understand now but when you are in heaven with me everything will seem clearer to you, you will see your life with my eyes and you will thank me for all that I have done for you.

Always give thanks to me. I do everything for each of you and I am a good father who loves you. If you give thanks to me you understand my love, you understand that I am a God who moves in favor of humanity, who moves in your favor and loves you.