Think about whether you are willing to accept the prophetic voice of Christ

"Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his birthplace." Luke 4:24

Have you ever heard that it is easier to talk about Jesus with a stranger than with someone who is closest to you? Because? Sometimes it is difficult to share your faith with the people closest to you and it can be even more difficult to be inspired by the faith of someone close to you.

Jesus makes this above statement after having just read Isaiah from the prophet in the presence of his relatives. They listened to it, at first they were a little impressed, but quickly came to the conclusion that it was nothing special. Eventually, they were filled with anger against Jesus, drove him out of the city and nearly killed him at that moment. But it wasn't his time.

If the Son of God has had a hard time being accepted as a prophet by his relatives, we too will have a hard time sharing the gospel with those around us. But what is much more important to consider is how we see or don't see Christ in those closest to us. Are we among those who refuse to see Christ present in our family and those we are close to? Instead, do we tend to be critical and judge those around us?

The truth is that it is much easier for us to see the faults of those closest to us than their virtue. It is much easier to see their sins than the presence of God in their lives. But it is not our job to focus on their sin. Our job is to see God in them.

Any person we are close to, no doubt, will have goodness in them. They will reflect God's presence if we are willing to see it. Our goal must be not only to see it, but to seek it. And the closer we are to them, the more we need to focus on God's presence in their lives.

Reflect today on whether or not YOU are willing to accept the prophetic voice of Christ in the people around you. Are you willing to see it, recognize it and love it in them? If not, you are guilty of Jesus' words above.

Lord, may I see you in everyone I relate to every day. May I constantly look for you in their lives. And while I discover you, may I love you in them. Jesus I believe in you.