Reflection on the Gospel of the day: January 23, 2021

Jesus went into the house with his disciples. Again the crowd gathered, making it impossible for them to even eat. When his relatives learned of this, they decided to take him, because they said, "He's out of his mind." Mark 3: 20-21

When you consider the sufferings of Jesus, your thoughts most likely turn to the crucifixion first. From there, you can think about his flagellation at the column, the carrying of the cross, and the other events that took place from the moment of his arrest until his death. However, there were many other human sufferings that our Lord endured for our good and for the good of all. The Gospel passage above presents us with one of these experiences.

While physical pain is quite undesirable, there are other pains that can be just as difficult to endure, if not more difficult. One such suffering is being misunderstood and treated by your own family as if you were out of your mind. In the case of Jesus, it appears that many members of his extended family, naturally excluding his mother, were quite critical of Jesus. Perhaps they were jealous of him and had some form of envy, or perhaps they were embarrassed by all the attention that he was receiving. Whatever the case may be, it is clear that Jesus' own relatives tried to stop him from serving people who deeply desired to be with him. Some of his extended family members made up the story that Jesus was "out of his mind" and tried to end to its popularity.

Family life should be a community of love, but for some it becomes a source of pain and pain. Why did Jesus allow Himself to endure this form of suffering? In part, to be able to relate to any suffering you endure from your own family. Furthermore, his perseverance also redeemed this form of suffering, making it possible for your wounded family to share that redemption and grace. Thus, when you turn to God in prayer with your family struggles, you will be consoled to know that the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus, the Eternal Son of God, understands your suffering from his own human experience. He knows the pain that so many family members feel from direct experience.

Reflect today on any way you need to give God some pain in your family. Turn to our Lord who fully understands your struggles and invites his powerful and compassionate presence into your life so that he can transform all you bear into his grace and mercy.

My compassionate Lord, you have endured much in this world, including the rejection and scorn of those in your own family. I offer you my family and above all the pain that was present. Please come and redeem all family strife and bring healing and hope to me and all those who need it most. Jesus I believe in you.