Reflection on Divine Mercy: the temptation to complain

Sometimes we are tempted to complain. When you are tempted to question God, His perfect love and His perfect plan, know that this temptation is nothing but… a temptation. In the midst of that temptation to doubt and question God's love, renew your confidence and abandon your self-pity. In this act you will find strength (see diary No. 25).

What have you complained about the most this week? What tempts you the most to be angry or annoyed? Did this temptation lead to feelings of self-pity? Has it weakened your confidence in God's perfect love? Reflect on this temptation and see it as a means to grow in love and virtue. Often our greatest struggle is a disguise for our greatest means of holiness.

Lord, I'm sorry for the times when I complain, get angry and doubt your perfect love. I'm sorry for any sense of self-pity I've let myself fall into. Help me today to let go of these feelings and turn these temptations into moments of deeper trust and abandonment. Jesus I believe in you.

God, merciful Father,
you have revealed your love in your Son Jesus Christ,
and poured it out on us in the Holy Spirit, Comforter,
We entrust to you today the destinies of the world and of every man.

Bow down on us sinners,
heals our weakness,
defeat all evil,
make all the inhabitants of the earth
experience your mercy,
so that in you, God One and Three,
always find the source of hope.

Eternal Father,
for the painful Passion and Resurrection of your Son,
have mercy on us and the whole world!