Ponder today whether you are ready to allow the Holy Spirit of Truth to enter your mind

Jesus said to the crowds: “When you see a cloud rising from the west, immediately say that it is going to rain - and so it is; and when you notice that the wind is blowing from the south, you say it will be hot - and it is. Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the aspect of the earth and the sky; why don't you know how to interpret the present tense? "Luke 12: 54-56

Do you know how to interpret the present tense? It is important for us, as followers of Christ, to be able to honestly look at our cultures, societies and the world as a whole and interpret it honestly and accurately. We must be able to discern the goodness and presence of God in our world and we must also be able to identify and interpret the functioning of the Evil One in our present time. How well do you do it?

One of the tactics of the evil one is the use of manipulation and lies. The evil one tries to confuse us in countless ways. These lies can come through the media, our political leaders, and sometimes even some religious leaders. The evil one loves when there is division and disorder of all kinds.

So what do we do if we want to be able to "interpret the present tense?" We must commit ourselves wholeheartedly to the Truth. We must seek Jesus above all things through prayer and allow His presence in our life to help us distinguish what is from Him and what is not.

Our societies present us with countless moral choices, so we may find ourselves drawn here and there. We may find that our minds are challenged and, at times, find that even the most basic truths of humanity are attacked and distorted. Take, for example, abortion, euthanasia and traditional marriage. These moral teachings of our faith are continually under attack in the various cultures of our world. The very dignity of the human person and the dignity of the family as God designed it are questioned and directly challenged. Another example of confusion in our world today is the love of money. So many people are gripped by the desire for material wealth and have been drawn to the lie that this is the way to happiness. Interpreting the present tense means that we see through every confusion of our days and ages.

Reflect today on whether you are willing and able to let the Holy Ghost cut through the confusion so manifestly present around us. Are you ready to allow the Holy Spirit of Truth to penetrate your mind and lead you to all truth? Seeking the truth in our present time is the only way to survive the many mistakes and confusions that are thrown at us every day.

Lord, help me interpret the present time and see the errors nurtured around us, as well as Your goodness manifesting itself in so many ways. Give me courage and wisdom so that I can reject what is bad and seek what is from you. Jesus I believe in you.