Reflect today on what challenges you most on your journey of faith

Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection, came forward and asked this question to Jesus, saying, “Master, Moses wrote for us, if someone's brother dies leaving a wife but no child, his brother must take his wife and raise on offspring for his brother. Now there were seven brothers… ”Luke 20: 27-29a

And the Sadducees continue to present a difficult scenario to Jesus to trap him. They present the story of seven brothers who die without having children. After each dies, the next takes the first brother's wife as his. The question they ask is this: "Now at the resurrection of whose wife will that woman be?" They ask for it to deceive Jesus because, as the above passage states, the Sadducees deny the resurrection of the dead.

Jesus, of course, gives them the answer by explaining that marriage is of this age and not of the age of the resurrection. His response undermines their attempt to trap him, and the scribes, who believe in the resurrection of the dead, applaud his response.

One thing this story reveals to us is that Truth is perfect and cannot be overcome. The truth always wins! By stating what is true, Jesus unmasks the foolishness of the Sadducees. It shows that no human deception can undermine the Truth.

This is an important lesson to learn as it applies to all aspects of life. We may not have the same question as the Sadducees, but there is no doubt that difficult questions will come to mind throughout life. Our questions may not be a way to trap Jesus or challenge him, but inevitably we will have them.

This gospel story should reassure us that no matter what we are confused about, there is an answer. No matter what we fail to understand, if we seek the Truth we will discover the Truth.

Reflect today on what challenges you most on your journey of faith. Maybe it's a question about the afterlife, about suffering or about creation. Perhaps it is something deeply personal. Or maybe you haven't spent enough time lately to ask our Lord questions. Whatever the case may be, seek the Truth in all things and ask our Lord for wisdom so that you can enter more deeply into faith each day.

Lord, I wish to know all that you have revealed. I want to understand those things that are most confusing and challenging in life. Help me every day to deepen my faith in You and my understanding of Your Truth. Jesus I believe in you