Reflect today on how to live the present moment in holiness

"So be perfect, just like your Heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:48

Perfection is our calling, nothing less. The danger of trying to shoot for anything less is that you may actually reach it. So? In other words, if you are content with just being "good enough" you could actually become "good enough". But good enough is not good enough according to Jesus. He wants perfection! This is a high calling.

What is perfection? It can seem overwhelming and almost beyond reasonable expectations. We might also be discouraged at the idea. But if we understand what perfection really is, then we might not be intimidated by the thought at all. Indeed, we may find ourselves longing for it and making it our new goal in life.

At first, perfection may seem like something that only the great saints of yore lived. But for every saint we can read about in a book, there are thousands more that have never been recorded in history and many more future saints living today. Imagine that. When we arrive in Heaven, we will be amazed by the great saints we know. But think of the countless others we will be introduced to for the first time in Heaven. These men and women have sought and found the path to true happiness. They found that they were meant for perfection.

Perfection means that we are trying to live every moment in the grace of God. That's all! Simply by living here and now immersed in the grace of God. We don't have tomorrow yet, and yesterday is gone forever. All we have is this single present moment. And it is at this moment that we are called to live perfectly.

Certainly each of us can seek perfection for a moment. We can surrender to God here and now and seek only His will right now. We can pray, offer selfless charity, perform an act of extraordinary kindness and the like. And if we can do it in this present moment, what prevents us from doing it in the next moment?

Over time, the more we live each moment in the grace of God and strive to surrender each moment to his will, we become stronger and we become more holy. We slowly develop habits that facilitate every single moment. Over time, the habits we form make us who we are and attract us to perfection.

Reflect today on the present moment. Try not to think about the future, only at the moment you have now. Commit yourself to living this moment in holiness and you will be on the way to becoming a saint!

Sir, I want to be holy. I want to be holy like you are holy. Help me live every moment for you, with you and in you. I give you this present moment, dear Lord. Jesus I believe in you.