Reflect today on any way you find yourself resisting the call to sacrificial love

Jesus turned and said to Peter: “Stay behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. You are not thinking as God does, but as human beings do ”. Matthew 16:23

This was Jesus' response to Peter after Peter said to Jesus: “God forbid, Lord! Nothing like that will ever happen to you ”(Matthew 16:22). Peter was referring to the impending persecution and death that Jesus had just foretold in his presence. Peter was shocked and worried and could not accept what Jesus was saying. He could not accept that soon Jesus would go “to Jerusalem and suffer much from the elders, the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed and raised on the third day” (Matthew 16:21). Therefore, Peter expressed his concern and was met with a strong rebuke from Jesus.

If this were said by anyone other than our Lord, one might immediately conclude that Jesus' words were too much. Why should Jesus call Peter "Satan" for expressing his concern for Jesus' welfare? While this may be difficult to accept, it reveals that God's thinking is far above our own.

The fact is, Jesus' impending suffering and death was the greatest act of love ever known. From a divine perspective, His willing embrace of suffering and death was the most extraordinary gift that God could give to the world. Therefore, when Peter took Jesus aside and said, “God forbid, Lord! Nothing like that will ever happen to you, ”Peter was actually allowing his fear and human weakness to interfere with the Savior's divine choice to lay down His life for the salvation of the world.

Jesus' words to Peter would have produced a "holy shock". This shock was an act of love that had the effect of helping Peter overcome his fear and accept the glorious destiny and mission of Jesus.

Reflect today on any way you find yourself resisting the call to sacrificial love. Love isn't always easy, and often times can take great sacrifices and courage on your part. Are you ready and willing to embrace the crosses of love in your life? Also, are you willing to walk with others, encouraging them along the way, when they too are called to embrace the crosses of life? Seek strength and wisdom today and strive to live God's perspective in all things, especially in suffering.

Lord, I love you and pray to always love you in a sacrificial way. May I never fear the crosses that have been given to me and may I never dissuade others from following Your steps of selfless sacrifice. Jesus I believe in you.