Reflect today on whatever causes you the most fear and anxiety in life

"Come on, it's me, don't be afraid!" Mark 6:50

Fear is one of the most paralyzing and painful experiences in life. There are many things we can fear, but very often the cause of our fear is the evil one who tries to dissuade us from faith and hope in Christ Jesus.

This line above is taken from the story of Jesus walking on water to the Apostles during the fourth night watch as they rowed against the wind and were tossed about by the waves. When they saw Jesus walking on the water, they were terrified. But when Jesus spoke to them and got into the boat, the wind died down immediately and the Apostles stood there "completely amazed".

The stormy sea boat has traditionally been meant to represent our journey through this life. There are countless ways in which the evil one, the flesh and the world fight against us. In this story, Jesus sees their troubles from the shore and walks towards them to come to their aid. His reason for walking towards them is his compassionate Heart.

Often in moments of fear in life, we lose sight of Jesus. We turn to ourselves and focus on the cause of our fear. But our goal must be to get away from the cause of fear in life and seek Jesus who is always compassionate and always walks towards us in the midst of our fear and struggle.

Reflect today on whatever causes you the most fear and anxiety in life. What is it that brings you to inner confusion and struggle? Once you have identified the source, turn your eyes from that to our Lord. Watch him walk towards you in the midst of everything you struggle with, telling you: "Take heart, it's me, don't be afraid!"

Lord, once again I turn to Your most compassionate Heart. Help me raise my eyes to You and move away from the sources of my anxiety and fear in life. Fill me with faith and hope in You and give me the courage I need to place all my trust in You. Jesus I believe in you.