Reflect today on how well the foundation of your life has been built

“I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my words and acts accordingly. That's like a man who builds a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock; when the flood came, the river exploded against that house but could not shake it because it had been well built “. Luke 6: 47-48

How is your foundation? Is it solid rock? Or is it sand? This Gospel passage reveals the importance of a solid foundation for life.

A foundation is often not thought of or worried unless it fails. This is important to think about. When a foundation is solid, it often goes unnoticed and there is little concern at any time during storms.

The same is true of our spiritual foundation. The spiritual foundation we are called to have is that of a profound faith founded on prayer. Our foundation is our daily communication with Christ. In that prayer, Jesus himself becomes the foundation of our life. And when He is the foundation of our life, nothing can harm us and nothing can prevent us from fulfilling our mission in life.

Compare this to a weak base. A weak foundation is one that relies on oneself as a source of stability and strength in times of trouble. But the truth is, none of us are strong enough to be our foundation. Those who attempt this approach are fools learning the hard way that they cannot stand the storms that life throws at them.

Reflect today on how well the foundation of your life has been built. When it is strong, you can devote your attention to many other aspects of your life. When it is weak, you will continue to check for damage as you try to keep your life from collapsing. Put yourself back into a life of deep prayer so that Christ Jesus is the solid rock foundation of your life.

Lord, you are my rock and my strength. Only you support me in all things in life. Help me rely on you even more so that I can do whatever you call me to do every day. Jesus I believe in you.