Reflect today on how deeply you believe everything that Jesus says

“Anyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sage who built his house on the rock. The rain fell, the floods came, the winds blew and hit the house. But it didn't collapse; it had been solidly fixed on the rock. "Matthew 7: 24-25

This step above is followed by the contrast of those who built their house on the sand. The wind and rains came and the house collapsed. It is a clear contrast that leads anyone to conclude that having your home built on solid rock is much better.

Home is your life. And the question that arises is simply: how strong am I? How strong am I to face the storms, inconveniences and crosses that will inevitably come towards me?

When life is easy and everything goes smoothly, we don't necessarily need great inner strength. When money is abundant, we have many friends, we have our health and our family gets along, life can be good. And in that case, life can also be easy. But there are few who can go through life without facing some storm. When this happens, our inner strength is tested and the strength of our inner beliefs is required.

In this story of Jesus, the rain, floods and wind that hit the house are actually a good thing. Because? Because they allow the foundations of the house to manifest its stability. So it's with us. Our foundation must be our faithfulness to the Word of God. Do you believe in the Word of God? Have you reflected, studied, internalized and allowed the Word of God to become the foundation of your life? Jesus makes it clear that we will only have solid foundations when we listen to His words and act on them.

Reflect today on how deeply you believe everything Jesus says. Do you trust every word he has spoken? Do you believe him enough to rely on his promises even in the midst of life's greatest challenges? If you are not sure, then this is a good day to start again with the prayerful reading of His Word. Everything he says in the scriptures is true and those truths are what we need to create a solid foundation for the rest of our lives.

Lord, help me to listen to your words and act on them. Help me believe in your promises and trust you even when the storms of life seem fierce. Jesus I believe in you.