Reflect today on how open you are to seeing God's truth

“Truly I tell you, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you. When John came to you on the way of justice, you did not believe him; but tax collectors and prostitutes do. And yet, even when you saw him, you later didn't change your mind and you believed him “. Matthew 21: 31c-32

These words of Jesus are spoken to the chief priests and elders of the people. These are very direct and condemning words. They are also words spoken to awaken the consciences of these religious leaders.

These religious leaders were full of pride and hypocrisy. They kept their opinions and their opinions were wrong. Their pride prevented them from discovering the simple truths that the tax collectors and prostitutes were discovering. For this reason, Jesus makes it clear that tax collectors and prostitutes were on the way to holiness while these religious leaders were not. It would have been difficult for them to accept.

What category are you in? Sometimes those who are considered "religious" or "pious" struggle with pride and judgment similar to those of the chief priests and elders of Jesus' time. This is a dangerous sin because it leads a person to much stubbornness. It is for this reason that Jesus was so direct and so hard. He was trying to free them from their stubbornness and their proud ways.

The most important lesson we can draw from this passage is to seek the humility, openness and genuineness of tax collectors and prostitutes. They were praised by our Lord because they could see and accept honest truth. Sure, they were sinners, but God can forgive sin when we are aware of our sin. If we are not willing to see our sin, then it is impossible for God's grace to come in and heal.

Reflect today on how open you are to seeing God's truth and, above all, to seeing your fallen and sinful state. Don't be afraid to humble yourself before God by admitting your mistakes and failures. Embracing this level of humility will open the doors of God's mercy to you.

Lord, help me to humble myself always before You. When pride and hypocrisy come into play, help me listen to your strong words and repent of my stubborn ways. I am a sinner, dear Lord. I ask for Your perfect mercy. Jesus I believe in you.