Reflect today on how open you are to God's plan in your life

You are the salt of the earth ... You are the light of the world. "Matthew 5: 13a and 14a

Salt and light, it's us. Hopefully! Have you ever thought about what it means to be salt or light in this world?

Let's start with this image. Imagine cooking a wonderful vegetable soup with all the best ingredients. Slow slowly for hours and the broth looks very tasty. But the only thing you're out of is salt and other spices. So, let the soup simmer and hope for the best. Once it is fully cooked, try a taste and, to your disappointment, it is somewhat tasteless. Then, search until you find the missing ingredient, salt and add the right amount. After another half hour of slow cooking, try a sample and you are very happy with it. It's amazing what salt can do!

Or imagine taking a walk in the forest and getting lost. As you search for your way out, the sun sets and slowly becomes dark. It is covered so there are no stars or moon. About half an hour after sunset you are in complete darkness in the middle of the forest. As you sit there, you suddenly see the bright moon peeking through the clouds. It is a full moon and the overcast sky is clearing. Suddenly, the full moon illuminates so much light that you can navigate the dark forest again.

These two images give us the importance of only a little salt and a little light. Just a little changes everything!

So it is with us in our faith. The world we live in is dark in many ways. The "flavor" of love and mercy is also quite empty. God is calling you to add that little flavor and produce that little light so that others can find their way.

Like the moon, you are not the source of light. Just reflect the light. God wants to shine through you and wants you to reflect his light. If you are open to this, it will move the clouds at the right time to use you in the way it has chosen. Your responsibility is simply to be open.

Reflect today on how open you are. Pray every day that God will use you according to His divine purpose. Make yourself available to his divine grace and you will be amazed at how he can use the little things in your life to make a difference.

Sir, I want to be used by you. I want to be salt and light. I want to make a difference in this world. I give myself to you and to your service. Jesus I believe in you.