Reflect today on how ready and willing you are to give complete control of your life to our merciful God

"Whoever tries to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it". Luke 17:33

Jesus never fails to say things that cause us to stop and think. This sentence from today's Gospel is one of those things. It presents us with an apparent paradox. Trying to save your life will be the cause of your loss, but losing your life will be the way you save it. What does this mean?

This statement goes above all to the heart of trust and surrender. Basically, if we try to direct our lives and our future with our efforts, things will not work out. By calling us to "lose" our life, Jesus tells us that we must abandon ourselves to him. We must allow him to be the one who directs all things and guides us in his most holy will. This is the only way to save our life. We save it by letting go of our will and letting God take over.

This level of trust and abandonment is very difficult at first. It is difficult to get to the level of complete trust in God. But if we can do just that, we will be amazed that God's ways and plan for our lives are far better than we could ever invent for ourselves. His wisdom is unmatched and his solution to all our worries and problems is perfect.

Reflect today on how ready and willing you are to give complete control of your life to our merciful God. Do you trust him enough to allow him to take complete control? Take this leap of faith as sincerely as you can and watch as it begins to preserve you and help you thrive in a way that only God can.

Lord, I give you my life, my worries, my worries and my future. I trust you in all things. I surrender to everything. Help me to trust You more every day and to turn to You in complete abandonment. Jesus I believe in you.