Reflect today on how often you judge others

“Stop judging and you won't be judged. Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. "Luke 6:37

Have you ever met someone for the first time and without even talking to this person suddenly came to the conclusion of what you think of them? Maybe it was that they seemed a little distant, or had a certain lack of expression, or seemed distracted. If we are honest with ourselves, we should admit that it is very easy to reach an immediate judgment of others. It is easy to immediately think that because they seem distant or distant, or lacking that expression of heat, or are distracted, they must have a problem.

What is difficult to do is completely suspend our judgment on others. It is difficult to immediately give them the benefit of the doubt and assume only the best.

On the other hand, we can meet people who are very good actors. They are smooth and courteous; they look us in the eye and smile, shake our hand and treat us very kindly. You can leave thinking: "Wow, that person really has it all together!"

The problem with both of these approaches is that it's not really our place to make a judgment for good or bad in the first place. Maybe someone who makes a good impression is simply a good "politician" and knows how to turn on the charm. But the charm can be tricky.

The key here, from Jesus' affirmation, is that we must strive not to judge in any way. It is simply not our place. God is the judge of good and evil. Of course we should look at good deeds and be grateful when we see them and also offer affirmation for the goodness we see. And, of course, we should notice incorrect behavior, offer correction as needed and do it with love. But judging actions is very different from judging the person. We should not judge the person, nor do we want to be judged or sentenced by others. We don't want others to assume they know our hearts and motivations.

Perhaps an important lesson we can draw from this statement of Jesus is that the world needs more people who do not judge and condemn. We need more people who know how to be true friends and love unconditionally. And God wants you to be one of those people.

Reflect today on how often you judge others and reflect on how good you are at offering the kind of friendship others need. In the end, if you offer this type of friendship, you will most likely be blessed with others who offer this type of friendship right away! And with that you will both be blessed!

Lord, give me a non-judgmental heart. Help me to love every person I meet with a holy love and acceptance. Help me to have the charity I need to correct their wrongdoings with kindness and firmness, but also to see beyond the surface and see the person you created. In turn, give me the true love and friendship of others so that I can trust and enjoy the love you want me to have. Jesus I believe in you.