Reflect today on the gifts you have against evil

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Matthew 21:42

Of all the waste that has been experienced over the centuries, there is one that stands out above the rest. It is the refusal of the Son of God. Jesus had nothing but pure and perfect love in his Heart. He wanted the absolute best for everyone he met. And he was willing to offer the gift of his life to anyone who would accept it. Although many accepted it, many also rejected it.

It is important to understand that Jesus' refusal has left deep pain and suffering. Certainly the current Crucifixion has been extraordinarily painful. But the wound he felt in his heart from the rejection of so many was his greatest pain and caused the greatest pain.

Suffering in this sense was an act of love, not an act of weakness. Jesus did not suffer internally because of pride or a bad self-image. Rather, his heart hurt because he loved so deeply. And when that love was rejected, it filled him with the holy pain of which the Beatitudes spoke ("Blessed are those who weep ..." Matthew 5: 4). This type of pain was not a form of despair; rather, it was a profound experience of the loss of another's love. He was holy and the result of his ardent love for all.

When we experience rejection, it is difficult to resolve the pain we experience. It is very difficult to let the wound and anger we feel become a "holy displeasure" which has the effect of motivating us towards a deeper love than those who weep. This is difficult to do but it is what our Lord has done. The result of Jesus who did this was the salvation of the world. Imagine if Jesus had simply given up. And if, at the time of his arrest, Jesus would have invited the myriad of angels to come to his rescue. And if he had made this thought, "These people aren't worth it!" The result would have been that we would never receive the eternal gift of salvation from his death and resurrection. Suffering would not turn into love.

Reflect today on the profound truth that rejection is potentially one of the greatest gifts we must fight against evil. It is "potentially" one of the greatest gifts because it all depends on how we ultimately respond. Jesus replied with perfect love when he cried out: "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing". This act of perfect love in the midst of his last refusal allowed him to become the "cornerstone" of the Church and, therefore, the cornerstone of new life! We are called to imitate this love and to share its ability not only to forgive, but also to offer the holy love of mercy. When we do, we will also become a cornerstone of love and grace for those who need it most.

Lord, help me to be that cornerstone. Help me to forgive not only every time I hurt myself, but also let me offer love and mercy in return. You are the divine and perfect example of this love. I would like to share this same love, shouting with You: "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they are doing". Jesus I believe in you.