Reflect today on the most solemn mysteries of our faith

And Mary kept all these things reflecting them in her heart. Luke 2:19

Today, January 1st, we complete our celebration of the octave of Christmas day. It is an often overlooked liturgical fact that we celebrate Christmas Day for eight consecutive days. We also do this with Easter, which ends with the great celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday.

In this, on the eighth day of the Octave of Christmas, we focus our attention on the unique and wonderful fact that God has chosen to enter our world through a human mother. Mary is called the "Mother of God" for the simple fact that her Son is God. She was not only the mother of the flesh of her Son, nor the only mother of his human nature. This is because the Person of Jesus, the Son of God, is a Person. And that Person took flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Although becoming the Mother of God was a pure gift from Heaven and not something that Mother Mary deserved on her own, there was a particular quality she had that made her particularly qualified to play this role. That quality was his immaculate nature.

First, Mother Mary was preserved from all sin when she was conceived in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne. This special grace was a grace that was imparted to her by the future life, death and resurrection of her Son. It was the grace of salvation, but God chose to take that gift of grace and transcend time to impart it to him at the moment of conception, thus making it the perfect and pure tool needed to bring God into the world.

Secondly, Mother Mary remained faithful to this gift of grace throughout her life, never choosing to sin, never wavering, never turning away from God. She remained immaculate throughout her life. It is interesting to note that it is this choice of hers, to remain forever obedient to God's will in every way, that makes her more fully the Mother of God than the simple act of carrying him in her womb. Her act of perfect unity with God's will throughout her life also makes her the perfect mother of divine grace and mercy and perpetually the spiritual Mother of God, continually and perfectly bringing him into our world.

Reflect today on these most solemn mysteries of our faith. This eighth day of the Octave of Christmas is a solemn celebration, a celebration worthy of our reflection. The Scripture above reveals not only how our blessed Mother approached this mystery, but also how we must deal with it. He "kept all these things, reflecting them in his heart." Also meditate on these mysteries in your heart and let the grace of this holy celebration fill you with joy and gratitude.

Dearest Mother Mary, you have been honored with a grace that surpasses all others. You have been preserved from all sin and have remained perfectly obedient to God's will throughout your life. As a result, you have become the perfect instrument of the Savior of the world by becoming His mother, the Mother of God. Pray for me that I can meditate today on this great mystery of our faith and rejoice ever more deeply in the incomprehensible beauty of your maternal soul. Mother Mary, the Mother of God, pray for us. Jesus I believe in you.