Reflect today on the level of commitment with which you are living your faith

Going out around five, he found others around and said to them, 'Why are you standing here idle all day?' They replied: "Because no one hired us." He said to them: 'You also come into my vineyard' ”. Matthew 20: 6-7

This passage reveals for the fifth time in a day that the owner of the vineyard has gone out and hired more workers. Each time he found inactive people and hired them on the spot, sending them to the vineyard. We know the end of the story. Those who were hired at the end of the day, at five, received the same wages as those who worked all day.

One lesson we can learn from this parable is that God is exceptionally generous and it is never too late to turn to Him in our need. Too often, when it comes to our life of faith, we sit "inactive all day". In other words, we can easily go through the movements of having a life of faith but fail to actually embrace the daily work of building our relationship with our Lord. It is much easier to have an idle life of faith than an active and transforming life.

We should hear, in this passage, an invitation from Jesus to get to work, so to speak. A challenge many face is that they have spent years living an idle faith and don't know how to change it. If that's you, this step is for you. It reveals that God is merciful to the end. He never strays from bestowing His riches on us, no matter how long we've been away from Him and no matter how far we've fallen.

Reflect today on the level of commitment with which you are living your faith. Be honest and think about whether you are lazier or at work. If you work hard, be grateful and stay busy without hesitation. If you are inactive, today is the day our Lord invites you to make a change. Make this change, get to work and know that our Lord's generosity is great.

Lord, help me increase my commitment to live my life of faith. Allow me to listen to your gentle invitation to enter your vineyard of grace. I thank you for your generosity and I try to receive this free gift of your mercy. Jesus I believe in you.