Reflect today on how you react when your faith is tested

The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" Jesus said to them: "Most assuredly I tell you, if you do not eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood, you will have no life within you." John 6: 52–53

Certainly this passage reveals a lot about the Most Holy Eucharist, but it also reveals the strength of Jesus to speak the truth with clarity and conviction.

Jesus was facing opposition and criticism. Some were shocked and defied his words. Most of us, when we are under the control and anger of others, will recoil. We will be tempted to worry excessively about what others say about us and the truth for which we might be criticized. But Jesus did exactly the opposite. He didn't give in to the criticisms of others.

It is inspiring to see that when Jesus had to face the harsh words of others, he responded with even greater clarity and confidence. He took his statement that the Eucharist is his body and blood to the next level by saying, “Amen, amen, I tell you, if you don't eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life within you. " This reveals a man of the utmost confidence, conviction and strength.

Of course, Jesus is God, so we should expect this from Him. However, it is inspiring and reveals the strength we are all called to have in this world. The world we live in is full of opposition to the truth. It opposes many moral truths, but it also opposes many of the deeper spiritual truths. These deeper truths are such things as the beautiful truths of the Eucharist, the importance of daily prayer, humility, surrender to God, God's will above all things, etc. We need to be aware that the closer we get to our Lord, the more we surrender to Him, and the more we proclaim His truth, the more we will feel the pressure of the world trying to steal us.

So what do we do? We learn from Jesus' strength and example. Whenever we are in a challenging position, or whenever we feel our faith is being attacked, we must deepen our resolve to be even more faithful. This will make us stronger and turn those temptations we face into opportunities for grace!

Reflect today on how you react when your faith is tested. Do you step back, fear and allow others' challenges to influence you? Or do you strengthen your determination when challenged and allow persecution to purify your faith? Choose to imitate the strength and conviction of our Lord and you will become a more visible instrument of his grace and mercy.

Lord, give me the strength of your belief. Give me clarity in my mission and help me to serve you relentlessly in all things. I can never curl up in front of life's challenges, but always deepen my determination to serve you with all my heart. Jesus I believe in you.