Reflect today on the role of the Holy Spirit in your life today

His father Zechariah, full of the Holy Spirit, prophesied saying:
“Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; for he came to his people and delivered them… ”Luke 1: 67–68

Our story of the birth of St. John the Baptist ends today with the hymn of praise uttered by Zechariah after his language melted due to his transformation into faith. He had gone from doubting what the Archangel Gabriel had told him to believing and following the Archangel's command to call his firstborn son "John". As we saw in yesterday's reflection, Zechariah is a model and example for those who have lacked faith, have suffered the consequences of their lack of faith and consequently have changed.

Today we see an even more complete illustration of what happens when we change. No matter how deeply we have doubted in the past, no matter how far we have strayed from God, when we return to Him with all our hearts, we can hope to experience the same thing that Zechariah experienced. First, we see that Zechariah is "filled with the Holy Spirit". And as a result of this gift of the Holy Spirit, Zechariah "prophesied". These two revelations are very significant.

As we prepare for the celebration of Christ's Birth tomorrow, Christmas Day, we are also called to be “filled with the Holy Spirit” so that we can also act as prophetic messengers from the Lord. Although Christmas is about the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Christ Jesus our Lord, the Holy Spirit (the Third Person of the Holy Trinity) plays an equally significant role in the glorious event, both at that time and also today. Remember that it was through the Holy Spirit, who overshadowed Mother Mary, that she conceived the Christ Child. In today's Gospel, it was the Holy Spirit who allowed Zechariah to proclaim the greatness of God's act of sending John the Baptist before Jesus to prepare the way for him. Today, it must be the Holy Spirit who fills our lives to allow us to proclaim the Truth of Christmas.

In our day, Christmas has become very secular in many parts of the world. Few people take time at Christmas to truly pray and worship God for all he has done. Few people continually proclaim that glorious message of the Incarnation to family and friends during this solemn celebration. And you? Will you be able to be a true “prophet” of the Most High God this Christmas? Has the Holy Spirit overshadowed you and filled you with the grace necessary to point out to others this glorious reason for our celebration?

Reflect today on the role of the Holy Spirit in your life today. Invite the Holy Ghost to fill, inspire, and strengthen you, and to give you the wisdom you need to be a spokesperson for the glorious gift of the birth of the Savior of the world this Christmas. No other gift could be more important to give to others than this message of truth and love.

Holy Spirit, I give you my life and I invite you to come to me, to darken me and fill me with your divine presence. As you fill me, give me the wisdom I need to speak of your greatness and to be a tool through which others are drawn into the glorious celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world. Come, Holy Spirit, fill me, consume me and use me for Your glory. Jesus I believe in you.