Reflect today on whether or not you can see the heart of Jesus alive in your heart

“'Lord, Lord, open the door for us!' But he replied: 'Truly I tell you, I don't know you' ”. Matthew 25: 11b-12

It would be a frightening and sobering experience. This passage comes from the parable of the ten virgins. Five of them were ready to meet our Lord and the other five were not. When the Lord came, the five foolish virgins were trying to get more oil for their lamps, and when they returned, the festival door was already closed. The above step reveals what happened next.

Jesus tells this parable, in part, to wake us up. We must be ready for Him every day. And how do we make sure we're ready? We are ready when we have plenty of “oil” for our lamps. Oil mainly represents charity in our lives. So, the simple question to ponder is this: "Do I have charity in my life?"

Charity is more than just human love. By "human love" we mean an emotion, a feeling, an attraction, etc. We can feel this way towards another person, towards some activity or towards many things in life. We can "love" playing sports, watching movies, etc.

But charity is much more. Charity means that we love with the heart of Christ. It means that Jesus has placed his merciful heart in our hearts and we love with his love. Charity is a gift from God that allows us to reach out and care for others in ways that are far beyond our capabilities. Charity is divine action in our life and it is necessary if we want to be welcomed to the feast of Heaven.

Reflect today on whether or not you can see the heart of Jesus alive in your heart. Can you see it acting in you, forcing yourself to reach out to others even when it's hard? Do you say and do things that help people grow in holiness of life? Does God act in and through you to make a difference in the world? If the answer is "Yes" to these questions, then charity is certainly alive in your life.

Lord, make my heart a suitable dwelling place for your own divine heart. Let my heart beat with your love and let my words and actions share your perfect care for others. Jesus I believe in you.