Reflect today on the constant and intimate presence of our Lord in your life

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am always with you, until the end of time. "Matthew 28: 19-20 (Year A)

Jesus completes his mission on Earth and goes up to Heaven to sit on his glorious throne for all eternity. Or him? The answer is yes and no. Yes, he sits on his glorious throne, but no, he does not complete his mission on Earth. Ascension is both the end and the beginning. It is a transition to the next stage in the Father's perfect plan. And understanding how this plan develops should leave us amazed and amazed.

Of course, the Apostles were probably a little scared and confused. Jesus was with them, then died, then got up and appeared several times, and then went up to the Father before their eyes. But he also told them it's good that it goes. In fact, he said it's better for me to go. They must have been confused. Jesus also told them that his lawyer would come to lead them in all truth. So the Apostles went from joy, to fear, to relief and more joy, to confusion and pain, to curiosity and uncertainty.

Sound familiar? Maybe that's how some find their life. Highs and lows, twists, joys and sorrows. Each phase reveals something new, something stimulating, something glorious or painful. The good news is that the Father's plan is unfolding perfectly.

The part of the perfect plan we find ourselves on this solemnity is the part where Jesus begins to direct his mission to establish the Kingdom of God from heaven. His throne is, in a sense, the driving seat of our lives. From heaven, Jesus suddenly begins to continually descend into our lives by fulfilling his mission in and through the Apostles, as well as all of us. Ascension does not mean that Jesus is gone; rather, it means that Jesus is now present to all the people who turn to him and surrender to his mission. From heaven, Jesus is able to be present to everyone. He is able to live in us and invites us to live in him. It is the new beginning of the Church. Now all the Apostles have to do is wait for the Holy Spirit to come down.

Reflect today on the constant and intimate presence of our Lord in your life. Know that Jesus invites you to share his mission. From his glorious throne he wants us to "preach everywhere". He wants to invite each of us to do our part. The part of the Father's plan entrusted to each of us is not entrusted to another. We all have a part in that plan. What's your part? How does Jesus direct his mission through you? Think about this question today and know that it accompanies you as you say "Yes" to your part in the glorious explanation of His perfect plan.

Sir, I find that my life is full of many ups, downs, twists. There are joys and sorrows, moments of confusion and clarity. In any case, help me continually say "Yes" to your plan. Jesus I believe in you.