Reflect today on the depth of your love for God and how well you express it to him

He said to him for the third time: "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was distressed at having said to him a third time: "Do you love me?" and said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep." John 21:17

Three times Jesus asked Peter if he loved him. Why three times? One reason was that Peter could "fix" the three times he denied Jesus. No, Jesus didn't need Peter to apologize three times, but Peter needed to express his love three times and Jesus knew it.

Three is also a number of perfection. For example, let's say that God is "Holy, Holy, Holy". This triple expression is a way of saying that God is the holiest of all. Since Peter was given the opportunity to tell Jesus three times that he loved him, it was an opportunity for Peter to express his love in the deepest way.

So we have a triple confession of love and a triple annulment of Peter's denial in progress. This should reveal to us our need to love God and seek his mercy in a "triple" way.

When you tell God you love Him, how deep is it? Is it more a service of words or is it a total love that consumes everything? Is your love for God something you mean to the fullest extent? Or is it something that needs work?

Of course we all need to work on our love, which is why this step should be so significant for us. We should also hear Jesus asking us this question three times. We must realize that he is not satisfied with a simple "Lord, I love you". He wants to hear it again and again. He asks us this because he knows that we must express this love in the most profound way. "Lord, you know everything, you know I love you!" This must be our definitive answer.

This triple question also gives us the opportunity to express our deepest desire for His mercy. We all sin. We all deny Jesus in one way or another. But the good news is that Jesus always invites us to let our sin be a motivation to deepen our love. He does not sit and get angry with us. It does not pout. It does not hold our sin above our heads. But it asks for the deepest pain and a complete conversion of the heart. He wants us to pass from our sin to the greatest extent possible.

Reflect today on the depth of your love for God and how well you express it to him. Make a choice to express your love for God in three ways. Let it be deep, sincere and irrevocable. The Lord will receive this sincere act and return it to you a hundred times.

Lord, you know I love you. You also know how weak I am. Let me hear your invitation to express my love for you and my desire for mercy. I would like to offer this love and desire to the maximum extent possible. Jesus I believe in you.