Reflect today on your own struggle with scrupulousness

As Jesus walked through a wheat field on the Sabbath, his disciples picked up the ears, rubbed them with their hands and ate them. Some Pharisees said, "Why are you doing what is illegal on the Sabbath?" Luke 6: 1-2

Talk about being mean! Here the disciples were hungry, most likely they had been walking for some time with Jesus and they came across some wheat and gathered it to eat as they walked. And they were condemned by the Pharisees for doing this very normal action. Did they really break the law and offend God by harvesting and eating this grain?

Jesus' answer makes it clear that the Pharisees are quite confused and that the disciples have done nothing wrong. But this passage gives us the opportunity to reflect on a spiritual danger that some fall into at times. It is the danger of scrupulousness.

Now, if you are one who tends to be scrupulous, you are probably already starting to be scrupulous right now about being scrupulous. And the more you read, you may be tempted to feel scrupulous in feeling scrupulous in being scrupulous. And the cycle can go on and on with this fight.

We do not know if this is the case, but if one or more of the disciples fought scrupulously and then heard the Pharisees condemn them for eating wheat, they may have felt immediate remorse and guilt for their actions. They would begin to fear that they were guilty of breaking God's command to sanctify the Sabbath. But their scrupulousness must be seen for what it is and they must recognize the triggering factor that pushed them towards scrupulousness.

The "trigger" that tempted them towards scrupulousness is an extreme and erroneous view of God's law presented by the Pharisees. Yes, God's law is perfect and must always be followed up to the last letter of the law. But for those who scrupulously struggle, God's law can easily be distorted and exaggerated. Human laws and human false representations of God's law can cause confusion. And, in Scripture above, the trigger was the arrogance and harshness of the Pharisees. God was in no way offended by the disciples who gathered and ate grain on the Sabbath. The Pharisees, therefore, sought to impose a burden on the disciples that did not come from God.

We too can be tempted to look closely at God's law and will. Although many people do the opposite (they are too relaxed), some struggle to worry about offending God when He is not offended at all.

Reflect, today, on your own struggle with scrupulousness. If it is you, know that God wants to free you from these burdens.

Lord, help me see your law and your will in the light of truth. Help me get rid of all the misconceptions and false declarations of Your law in exchange for the truths of Your perfect love and mercy. May I cling to that mercy and love in all things and above all. Jesus I believe in you.