Reflect today on the miraculous actions of the Mother of God

Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son and you will name him Jesus. Luke 1: 30–31

Today we celebrate five successive apparitions of our Blessed Mother to Juan Diego, who was an Indian converted to the faith. Early in the morning of December 9, 1531, Juan was on his way to the city of Tlatelolco where he intended to attend a catechism lesson and Holy Mass. However, during his journey, as he passed Tepeyac Hill, he was gifted with the vision of bright light and celestial music. As he looked up in wonder and awe, he heard a beautiful voice calling him. As he approached the voice, he saw the glorious Mother of God standing in a youthful aspect in the heavenly splendor. She told him: “I am your merciful mother…” She also revealed to him that she wanted a church built on that spot and that Juan had to go and tell the bishop of Mexico City.

Juan did as Our Lady asked, but the bishop was reluctant to believe. But again, the Mother of God appeared to Juan and asked him to return to the bishop with her request. This time the bishop asked for a sign and Juan reported it to the Mother of God. He said a sign would be provided, but Juan was prevented from receiving that sign, as he needed to assist his sick uncle.

However, after two days, on December 12, 1531, Juan was again on his way to the church of Tlatelolco to ask the priest to come and assist his dying uncle. But this time Juan had taken a different route to avoid delays from his heavenly visitor. But this time our Blessed Mother came to him and said: “It is good, the smallest and dearest of my children, but now listen to me. Don't let anything bother you and don't be afraid of sickness or pain. Am I not here who am your mother? Aren't you under my shadow and protection? Aren't you in the cross of my arms? Is there anything else you need? Don't worry, because your uncle won't die. Rest assured… he's already fine. "

As soon as Juan learned of this from his heavenly visitor, he was delighted and asked for a sign to give to the bishop. The Mother of God directed him to the top of the hill where he would find many flowers that were in bloom completely out of season. Juan did as he said, and after finding the flowers, he cut them off and filled his outer cloak, his tilma, with them so that he could bring them to the bishop as required by the sign.

Juan then returned to Bishop Fray Juan de Zumarraga, Bishop of Mexico City, to present him the flowers. To everyone's surprise, as he opened his tilma to pour the flowers, an image of the same woman who had appeared to him appeared on his tilma. The image was not painted; rather, every strand of this simple, crude cloak had changed color to create the beautiful image. That same day, our Blessed Mother also appeared to Juan's uncle and miraculously healed him.

Although these miraculous events have been incorporated into the fabric of Mexican culture, the message carries far more than cultural significance. “I am your merciful mother,” she said! It is our Blessed Mother's deepest desire that we all come to know her as our mother. She wants to walk with us through the joys and sorrows of life as any loving mother would. He wants to teach us, guide us and reveal the merciful love of his divine Son.

Reflect, today, on the miraculous actions of the Mother of God. But above all, reflect on her maternal love. His love is pure mercy, a gift of the deepest care and compassion. His only desire is our holiness. Talk to her today and invite her to come to you as your merciful mother.

My merciful mother, I love you and I invite you to pour out your love on me. I turn to you, on this day, in my need, and I trust that you will bring me the abundant grace of your Son, Jesus. Mother Mary, O Virgin of Guadalupe, pray for us who turn to you in our need. San Juan Diego, pray for us. Jesus I believe in you.