Think about what you need to "fix with your opponent" today

Quickly sit down with your opponent while on the road to woo him. Otherwise your opponent will hand you over to the judge and the judge will hand you over to the guard and you will be thrown into prison. In truth, I tell you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny. "Matthew 5: 25-26

It's a scary thought! In the beginning, this story could be interpreted as a complete lack of mercy. "You won't be released until you've paid the last penny." But in reality it is an act of great love.

The key here is that Jesus wants us to reconcile with Him and with each other. In particular, he wants all anger, bitterness and resentment to be removed from our souls. That's why he says "Quickly settle for your opponent on the road to woo him." In other words, to apologize and reconcile before being in front of the seat of judgment of divine justice.

God's justice is completely satisfied when we humble ourselves, apologize for our shortcomings, and sincerely try to make amends. With this, each "penny" is already paid. But what God does not accept is obstinacy. Stubbornness is a grave sin and one that cannot be forgiven unless stubbornness is released. The stubbornness in refusing to admit our guilt in a complaint is of great concern. The obstinacy in our refusal to change our ways is also of great concern.

The penalty is that God will exercise His justice over us until we finally repent. And this is an act of love and mercy on the part of God because his judgment focuses above all on our sin which is the only thing that hinders our love for God and others.

The repayment of the last penny can also be seen as an image of Purgatory. Jesus is telling us to change our lives now, to forgive and repent now. If we don't, we will still have to deal with those sins after death, but it's much better to do it now.

Think about what you need to "fix with your opponent" today. Who is your opponent? Who do you have a complaint with today? Pray that God will show you the way to be freed from that burden so that you can enjoy true freedom!

Lord, help me to forgive and forget. Help me find anything that prevents me from loving you and all my neighbors fully. Purify my heart, O Lord. Jesus I believe in you.