This rosary was designed to ask God, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, to bless all the families and to rekindle the fire of his love in them. We ask for divine help for all spiritual and temporal needs and support in all the difficulties that families, and all its members, encounter in daily life.

+ In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O God, come save me. O Lord, make haste to help me.


Initial prayer: Consecration to the Holy Spouses

As God the Father, in his infinite wisdom and immense love, he entrusted here on earth his Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to you, most holy Mary, and to you, St. Joseph, spouses of the holy Family of Nazareth, so too we, who became baptism children of God, with humble faith we trustfully trust you. Have for us the same concern and tenderness for Jesus. Help us to know, love and serve Jesus as you have known, loved and served him. Get us to love you with the same love with which Jesus loved you here on earth. Protect our families. Defend us from every danger and every evil. Increase our faith. Guard us in fidelity to our vocation and our mission: make us saints. At the end of this life, welcome us with you to Heaven, where you already reign with Christ in eternal glory. Amen.

1st meditation: Marriage.

And he replied: "Have you not read that the Creator created them male and female at first and said: This is why man will leave his father and mother and join his wife and the two will be one flesh? So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate from you ». (Mt 19, 4-6)

We ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph so that our young people and cohabiting couples feel the call to Christian marriage and respond by accepting the Sacrament, living it and seeking in it to progress in Christian life. We pray for all marriages already celebrated, so that the spouses may be united in fidelity, love, forgiveness and humility that always seeks the good of the other. We pray for all those who experience difficult or failed marriage, so that they know how to ask for forgiveness from God and forgive each other.

Our Father, 10 Ave Maria, Gloria

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary, guard our families.

2nd meditation: The birth of children.

Now, children, I command you: serve God in truth and do what he likes. Also teach your children the obligation to do justice and alms, to remember God, to bless his name always, in truth and with all your might. (Tb 14, 8)

We ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph so that the spouses are open to life and welcome the children whom God will send them. Let us pray that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit in their vocation as parents and know how to educate their children in the faith and love of the Lord and neighbor. Let us pray for all children to grow up healthy and holy, remaining under the protection of God at all times of life and, especially, in childhood and adolescence. We also pray for all couples who want a child and are unable to become parents.

Our Father, 10 Ave Maria, Gloria

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary, guard our families.

3rd meditation: The difficulties and the dangers.

May your conduct be without avarice; be content with what you have, because God himself said: I will not leave you and I will not abandon you. So we can confidently say: The Lord is my help, I will not fear. What can man do to me? (Heb. 13, 5-6)

We ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph so that families know how to live all the experiences of life in a Christian way, and especially the most difficult and painful moments: concerns about the precariousness of work and the economic situation, for the home, for health and all those situations that make life difficult. Let us pray that in trials and dangers families do not succumb to despair and anguish, but know how to trust in Divine Providence which helps each and every one according to an admirable Plan of Love.

Our Father, 10 Ave Maria, Gloria

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary, guard our families.

4th meditation: Daily living.

Therefore I urge you, the prisoner in the Lord, to behave in a manner worthy of the vocation you have received, with all humility, meekness and patience, enduring each other with love, trying to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. (Eph 4, 1-3)

We ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary and of Saint Joseph so that families are preserved from so many evils: various addictions, dishonest companionships, opposition, misunderstandings, diseases and ailments of the soul and body. Let us pray that mothers know how to imitate the Virgin Mary in the observance of their duty and fathers, imitating St. Joseph, know how to guard the family and guide them on the path of salvation. Let us pray that daily bread, fruit of honest work, and peace of heart, fruit of lived faith, never fail.

Our Father, 10 Ave Maria, Gloria

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary, guard our families.

5th meditation: Old age and mourning.

I will change their mourning into joy, I will console them and make them happy, without afflictions. (Jer. 31, 13)

We ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph for families to know how to live in faith the most painful moments of distance from affections and, especially, for the mourning that separates forever from the physical presence of loved ones on this earth: spouses, parents, children and brothers. We also ask for help with the uncertainties of old age, with its loneliness, decadence, diseases and misunderstandings that can arise with other generations. Let us pray that the value of life be defended to its natural end.

Our Father, 10 Ave Maria, Gloria

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary, guard our families.

Hello Regina

Litanies to the Holy Spouses

Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy

Christ, pity, Christ, pity

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy

Christ, listen to us. Christ, listen to us

Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us

Heavenly Father, who art God, have mercy on us

Son, redeemer of the world, who are God, have mercy on us

Holy Spirit, who are God, have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us

Saint Mary, mother of God, pray for us

St. Joseph, righteous man, pray for us

Santa Maria, full of grace, pray for us

St. Joseph, including the offspring of David, pray for us

Saint Mary, queen of heaven, pray for us

St. Joseph, splendor of the patriarchs, pray for us

Saint Mary, queen of angels, pray for us

St. Joseph, husband of the mother of God, pray for us

Holy Mary, ladder of God, pray for us

St. Joseph, the purest custodian of Mary, pray for us

Santa Maria, door of paradise, pray for us

St. Joseph, seraphic in purity, pray for us

Santa Maria, source of sweetness, pray for us

St. Joseph, prudent custodian of the holy family, pray for us

Saint Mary, mother of mercy, pray for us

Saint Joseph, very strong in virtues, pray for us

Saint Mary, mother of true faith, pray for us

Saint Joseph, most obedient to the divine will, pray for us

Santa Maria, custodian of the heavenly treasure, pray for us

St. Joseph, Mary's most faithful husband, pray for us

Santa Maria, our true salvation, pray for us

St. Joseph, mirror of unwavering patience, pray for us

Santa Maria, treasure of the faithful, pray for us

Saint Joseph, lover of poverty, pray for us

Santa Maria, our way to the Lord, pray for us

Saint Joseph, example of the workers, pray for us

Santa Maria, our powerful lawyer, pray for us

St. Joseph, decoration of domestic life, pray for us

Saint Mary, source of true wisdom, pray for us

St. Joseph, keeper of the virgins, pray for us

Santa Maria, our priceless joy, pray for us

St. Joseph, support of families, pray for us

Santa Maria, full of tenderness, pray for us

St. Joseph, comfort of the suffering, pray for us

Holy Mary, most gracious lady, pray for us

St. Joseph, hope of the sick, pray for us

Saint Mary, queen of our life, pray for us

Saint Joseph, patron of the dying, pray for us

Saint Mary, comforter of the suffering, pray for us

Saint Joseph, terror of demons, pray for us

Santa Maria, our divine sovereign, pray for us

Saint Joseph, protector of the Church, pray for us

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Forgive us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Hear us, Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us, Lord.

Let's pray:

Lord Jesus, we have professed in these litanies the great things you have done in Mary, your blessed Mother and in her glorious husband St. Joseph. Through their intercession, grant us to live our Christian vocation with greater fidelity according to the teachings of the Church and the Gospel and to one day share with them in your eternal glory. Amen.