Heavenly Father, I believe that You are Good, that You are Father of all men. I believe that you have sent your Son Jesus Christ into the world, to destroy evil and sin and restore peace among men, since all men are Your children and brothers of Jesus. Knowing this, all destruction becomes even more painful and incomprehensible to me. and any violation of peace.

Give to me and to all those who pray for peace to pray with a pure heart, so that you may answer our prayers and give us true peace of heart and soul: peace for our families, for our Church, for the whole world.

Good Father, remove all forms of disorder from us and give us joyful fruits of peace and reconciliation with you and with men.

We ask you with Mary, Mother of Your Son and Queen of Peace. Amen.




“I leave you peace, I give you my peace. Not as the world gives it, I give it to you. Do not be troubled by your heart and do not be afraid .... " (Jn 14,27:XNUMX)

Jesus, give peace to my heart!

Open my heart to your peace. I am tired of insecurity, disappointed by false hopes and destroyed because of so many bitternesses. I have no peace. I am easily overwhelmed by distressing worries. I am easily taken by fear or distrust. Too many times have I believed that I can find peace in the things of the world; but my heart continues to be restless. Therefore, my Jesus, please, with St. Augustine, for my heart to calm down and rest in You. Do not allow the waves of sin to seize him. From now on be You my rock and my fortress, Return and stay with me, You who are the only source of my true peace.

Our father

10 Ave Maria

Glory to the Father

Jesus forgives ..



“Whichever city or village you enter, ask if there is any worthy person, and stay there until your departure. Upon entering the house, address the greeting. If that house is worthy of it, let your peace descend upon it. " (Mt 10,11-13)

Thank you, O Jesus, for sending the Apostles to spread your peace in families. In this instant I pray with all my heart that You make my family worthy of Your peace. Purify us of all traces of sin, so that your peace can grow in us. Your peace remove all anguish and contention from our families. I also beg you for the families who live next to us. May they also be filled with Your peace, so that there is joy in everyone.

Our father

10 Ave Maria

Glory to the Father

Jesus forgives ..



“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are gone, new ones are born. All this, however, comes from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and entrusted us with the ministry of reconciliation .... We beg you in the name of Christ: let yourself be reconciled with God ". (2 Cor 5,17-18,20)

Jesus, I beg You with all my heart, give peace to Your Church. It appeases all that is troubled in it. Bless the Priests, Bishops, the Pope, to live in peace and carry out the service of reconciliation. Bring peace to all those who disagree in your Church and who because of mutual contrasts scandalize your little ones. Reconcile the various religious communities. May your Church, without blemish, be constantly at peace and continue to tirelessly promote peace.

Our father

10 Ave Maria

Glory to the Father

Jesus forgives ..



“When he was near, at the sight of the city, he wept over it, saying: 'If you too had understood, on this day, the way of peace. But now it has been hidden from your eyes. Days will come for you when your enemies will surround you with trenches, surround you and hold you from all sides; they will bring you and your children down within you and will not leave you stone by stone, because you have not recognized the time when you were visited. " (Lk 19,41-44)

Thank you, O Jesus, for the love you have for your people. Please for every single member of my homeland, for every compatriot of mine, for all those who have responsibilities. Do not allow them to be blind, but let them know and know what they need to do to achieve peace. That my people no longer go to ruin, but that everyone becomes like solid spiritual constructions, founded on peace and joy. Jesus, give peace to all peoples.

Our father

10 Ave Maria

Glory to the Father

Jesus forgives ..



“Look for the well-being of the country where I had you deported. Pray to the Lord for it, because your well-being depends on its well-being. " (Jer 29,7)

Please, O Jesus, to eradicate the seed of sin with Your divine power, which is the primary source of all disorder. May the whole world be open to your peace. All men in any disturbance of life need you; therefore help them build peace. Many peoples have lost their identity, and there is no peace or there is little.

Therefore send your Holy Spirit upon us, so that He may bring back that primitive divine order upon this human disorder. Make people heal from the spiritual wounds they have contracted, so that mutual reconciliation becomes possible. Send to all peoples the heralds and heralds of peace, so that everyone knows that what you said one day through the mouth of a great prophet is profound truth:

“How beautiful are the feet on the mountains the feet of the messenger of happy announcements who proclaim peace, messenger of good who announces salvation, who says to Zion 'Reign your God'. (Is.52,7)

Our father

10 Ave Maria

Glory to the Father

Jesus forgives ...


O Lord, Heavenly Father, grant us your peace. We ask you with all your children to whom you have longed for peace. We ask you together with all those who in the most unspeakable sufferings yearn for peace. And after this life, which for the most part spends restlessness, welcome us into the kingdom of Your eternal peace and Your love.

You also welcome those who have died from wars and armed clashes.

Finally, welcome those who seek peace on the wrong paths. We ask you for Christ, King of peace, and through the intercession of our Heavenly Mother, Queen of Peace. Amen.