Italian priests less and less, and more and more alone

“Burn out” is the definition of the situation that affects not only Italian priests, but all over the world, a psychological crisis combined between loneliness and depression. As underlined by a magazine “Il Regno” and from the words of the specialist Raffaele Iavazzo, the situation of priests is equal to 45% of those who live in a chronic depressive state, 2 out of 5 use alcohol, 6 out of 10 are at risk of obesity. Let's talk now about the Italian situation, many presbyters live in isolation due to many problems. In recent years there are fewer and fewer priests, the vocation is lacking, devotion is lacking, even the human relationship is lacking and above all God is lacking in the hearts of men, therefore the necessary foundations to undertake this type of journey are lacking, as Iavazzo emphasizes, very widespread. it is also the aspect of homosexuality which in recent years has become more and more widespread among priests and they are very direct in dealing with the subject with specialists. We can conclude that these are the same inconveniences that modern society is experiencing based on the fame of success, on money, and we are satisfied with less and less, less is one of the consequences of the depressive crisis

Let us pray for the Holy Church and for the priests: Lord, give us holy priests, and you yourself keep them in serenity. Let the power of your mercy accompany them everywhere and guard them against the snares that the devil never ceases to tend to the soul of every priest.
The power of your mercy, oh Lord, destroy everything that could cloud the priest's holiness, because you are omnipotent.
I ask you, Jesus, to bless with a special light the priests to whom I will confess in my life. Amen.