Santa Monica, Saint of the day for August 27

(about 330 - 387)

The history of Santa Monica
The circumstances of Santa Monica's life could have made her a troublesome wife, a bitter daughter-in-law and a desperate parent, yet she hasn't succumbed to any of these temptations. Although she was a Christian, her parents married her to a pagan, Patricius, who lived in her hometown of Tagaste in North Africa. Patricio had some saving traits, but he had a violent character and was licentious. Monica also had to put up with a short-tempered mother-in-law who lived in her home. Patrick criticized his wife for her charity and piety, but he always respected her. Monica's prayers and example finally led her husband and mother-in-law to Christianity. Her husband died in 371, a year after her baptism.

Monica had at least three children who survived infancy. The oldest, Agostino, is the most famous. At the time of his father's death, Augustine was 17 and a student of rhetoric in Carthage. Monica was distressed to learn that her son had accepted the Manichean heresy - "all flesh is evil" - and was living an immoral life. For a while she refused to let him eat or sleep in her home. Then one night she had a vision that assured her that Augustine would return to the faith. Since that time she has remained close to her son, praying and fasting for him. In fact, she was often much closer than Augustine wanted.

Agostino at 29 decided to go to Rome to teach rhetoric. Monica was determined to get along. One night he told his mother he was going to the dock to greet a friend. Instead he set sail for Rome. Monica was heartbroken when she learned about Augustine's makeup, but she followed it anyway. She arrived in Rome only to find that he had left for Milan. Although the journey was difficult, Monica chased him to Milan.

In Milan, Agostino was influenced by the bishop, Saint Ambrose, who also became Monica's spiritual director. She accepted her advice in everything and had the humility to give up some practices that had become second nature to her. Monica became a leader of devoted women in Milan as she had been in Tagaste.

He continued his prayers for Augustine throughout his years of education. On Easter 387, Saint Ambrose baptized Augustine and some of his friends. Soon after, his party left for Africa. Although no one else knew, Monica knew her life was nearing its end. He said to Augustine: “Son, nothing in this world now offers me joy. I don't know what I have left to do now or why I am still here, all my hopes in this world are now fulfilled. He fell ill shortly thereafter and suffered severely for nine days before dying.

Almost everything we know about Saint Monica is in the writings of Saint Augustine, especially in his Confessions.

Today, with Google searches, online purchases, text messages, tweets, and instant credit, we have little patience for things that take time. Likewise, we want immediate answers to our prayers. Monica is a model of patience. Her long years of prayer, coupled with a strong and well-disciplined character, eventually led to the conversion of her short-tempered husband, short-tempered mother-in-law, and brilliant but rebellious son, Augustine.