San Rocco: the prayer of the poor and the miracles of the Lord

In this season of Lent we can find comfort and hope in the prayer and intercession of the saints, such as San Rocco. This saint, known for his charity towards the sick and for the miracles that accompanied him, can be an example of faith and trust in the Lord.


La prayer it is a powerful means of obtaining God's graces and finding comfort in times of difficulty. Often, however, it is neglected in the life of Christians and in ecclesial communities. It is therefore important to rediscover its importance and that of faith, especially in times of trial like the ones we are experiencing.

Faith in the power of God over time, as Giussani stated, invites us to trust in His intervention in our lives, even in the most difficult moments. May prayer become a constant and constant support for us source of hope, so as to be able to experience every circumstance in the light oflove of God. May our heart open to the grace of the Lord and may we experience the His presence and His love in every moment of our lives.

hands clasped

Prayer to San Rocco

Now that you enjoy divine bliss in Heaven, where your charity is even more perfect and more alive, have pity the miseries ours and protect those same men that you loved so much down here in life. Look at us – we beg you – from terrible scourge who in other times deserted the cities and countryside, covering the districts of Italy with corpses and mourning.

Keep away all evil from our homes, preserving ourselves immune from any infirmity that endangers the health of the soul and of the body; free us fromepidemic of malpractice and immorality that spreads fearfully, destroying the divine flowers of innocence and grace.

Defend us from contagion of guilt and error which, darkening the intelligence and drying up the hearts, kills the holy seeds of virtue and goodness and do - oh glorious Thaumaturge of suffering humanity – imitating your admirable fortitude and living faithful to Catholic doctrine we can deserve the favor of your wonders in our needs and participate in that glory who now enjoy in the lap of Eternal Love. So be it.
Pater, Ave, Glory.