St. Gabriel and the miracle of Adele di Rocco

It is the year 2000, the year of the Jubilee, the first gathering of the miraculously healed of San Gabriel and of those who bear his name. On that occasion, everyone bears witness to both experience and that of we tell you today is the story of Adele di Rocco.


Adele di Rocco is a woman of Bisenti, in the province of Teramo, who was just 17 at the time of the events. Adele was suffering from a severe form of epilepsy, which struck her at an early age. St. Gabriel appeared to her in a dream in 1987 and urged her not to take any more medicines and to cut back on therapy.

But the girl, too young to take on such a heavy responsibility, didn't have the courage to interrupt the treatment for fear of the possible consequences. The July 31, 83, seven years later Adele was at the sanctuary, together with other pilgrims, to take the statue of San Gabriele and bring it to Bisenti.


Adele di Rocco interrupts the treatment and recovers miraculously

The night before the procession, the Saint reappears in Adele's dream and urges her again to interrupt the therapies. This time the girl decides to listen to the saint and stops taking any medications. The hospital doctorsThe Turrets” of Ancona, where Adele was being treated, they scolded her and urged her to put aside her faith and continue her treatment.

Regardless of the contrary opinions of the doctors and despite being grateful to them for all they had done for her, she decided to follow her faith and the words of the saint. Over time he realized that the disease miraculously disappeared. She was finally free to live her life.


The story of Adele di Rocco's healing, like all those of other sick people by San Gabriele dell'Addolorata, inspired many people all over the world, becoming an example of faith and hope. The cult of San Gabriele dell'Addolorata has spread throughout the world and has gathered thousands of devotees, who ask for his help and his intercession for physical and spiritual healing.