St. Clare of Assisi and the two miracles of bread, do you know them?

Saint Clare of Assisi is known to have been friends with Saint Francis, co-founder of the Poor Clares, first abbess of San Damiano, and patroness of television and telecommunications. Yes, and he also performed, by the grace of God, incredible miracles.

St. Clare drove out an army of Saracens by raising the Eucharist aloft, but did you know that with the loaves she performed two miracles? Here is this amazing story, told by

Tradition has it that, on one occasion, when Saint Clare of Assisi found herself with 50 nuns in a convent, they were left with only one bread to eat.

Although it was evident that it would only be enough for a few, Santa Chiara did not lose faith, she took the bread, blessed it and while everyone was praying the Our Father, she broke it in half. One part was intended for younger brothers and the other for sisters.

Then St. Clare of Assisi said: "He who multiplies the bread in the Eucharist, the great mystery of the Faith, will he not have the strength to provide bread to his poor wives?" And the bread multiplied, and thus all were satisfied.

But this was not the only miracle that God worked through the Saint.

It is known that on one occasion the Pope himself went to visit her at the convent. At noon, St. Clare of Assisi invited him to lunch but the Holy Father refused. Then the Saint asked him to bless at least the loaves as a souvenir.

But the Pope replied: "I want you to bless these loaves". Santa Chiare replied that it would be disrespectful for her to bless the food with the Vicar of Christ nearby. But the Holy Father ordered them with the vow of obedience to make the sign of the cross. The Saint did what the Pope had asked of her and, miraculously, a cross appeared drawn on each loaf.