Saint of the day for December 31: the story of San Silvestro I

Saint of the day for December 31nd

The story of San Silvestro I.

When you think of this pope, you think of the edict of Milan, the emergence of the Church from the catacombs, the construction of the great basilicas - San Giovanni in Laterano, San Pietro and others - the Council of Nicaea and other critical events. But for the most part, these events were planned or provoked by the Emperor Constantine.

A great baggage of legends has grown around the man who was pope in this very important moment, but historically very little can be established. We know for sure that his pontificate lasted from 314 until his death in 335. Reading between the lines of history, we are assured that only a very strong and wise man could have preserved the essential independence of the Church in the face of the arrogant figure of 'Emperor Constantine. In general, the bishops remained loyal to the Holy See, and at times expressed apologies to Sylvester for having undertaken important ecclesiastical projects at the urging of Constantine.


It takes deep humility and courage in the face of criticism for a leader to step aside and let events take their course, when asserting one's authority would only lead to unnecessary tension and conflict. Sylvester teaches a valuable lesson for Church leaders, politicians, parents, and other leaders.