Saint of the day for January 9: story of Saint Hadrian of Canterbury

Although Saint Hadrian refused a papal request to become archbishop of Canterbury, England, Pope Saint Vitalian accepted the refusal on the condition that Adrian served as the Holy Father's assistant and advisor. Adrian agreed, but ended up spending most of his life doing most of his work in Canterbury.

Born in Africa, Adrian was serving as abbot in Italy when the new archbishop of Canterbury appointed him abbot of the monastery of Saints Peter and Paul in Canterbury. Thanks to its leadership skills, the facility has become one of the most important learning centers. The school attracted many eminent scholars from all over the world and produced numerous future bishops and archbishops. Students reportedly learned Greek and Latin and spoke Latin and their native language.

Adrian has been teaching in the school for 40 years. He died there, probably in the year 710, and was buried in the monastery. Several hundred years later, during the reconstruction, Adrian's body was discovered in an uncorrupted state. As word spread, people flocked to his tomb, which became famous for miracles. Young schoolchildren in trouble with their masters were said to make regular visits there.


Saint Hadrian spent most of his time in Canterbury not as a bishop but as an abbot and teacher. Often the Lord has plans for us that are only evident in retrospect. How many times have we said no to something or someone only to end up in the same place anyway. The Lord knows what is good for us. Can we trust him?