Saint of the day: Santa Luisa

Born near Meux, France, Louise lost her mother when she was still a child, her beloved father when she was only 15 years old. Her desire to become a nun was discouraged by her confessor and a wedding was arranged. A son was born of this union. But Louise soon found herself breastfeeding her beloved husband during a long illness that eventually led to his death.

Luisa was fortunate to have a wise and understanding counselor, Francis de Sales, and then her friend, the bishop of Belley, France. Both of these men were at his disposal only periodically. But from an inner illumination he realized that he was about to undertake a great job under the guidance of another person he had not yet met. This was the holy priest Monsieur Vincent, later known as San Vincenzo de 'Paoli.

At first he was reluctant to be his confessor, busy as he was with his "Confraternities of Charity". The members were aristocratic ladies of charity who helped him care for the poor and look after abandoned children, a real need of the day. But the ladies were busy with many of their concerns and duties. His work needed many more helpers, especially those who were themselves farmers and therefore close to the poor and able to win their hearts. He also needed someone who could teach and organize them.

Only after a long time, when Vincent de Paul became more familiar with Luisa, did he realize that she was the answer to his prayers. She was intelligent, modest, and had physical strength and stamina that belied her continuing weakness in health. The missions he sent her eventually led to four simple young women to join her. His rented house in Paris became the training center for those accepted to serve the sick and the poor. Growth was rapid and soon there was a need for a so-called "rule of life", which Louise herself, under the guidance of Vincent, developed for the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.

Saint Louise: her rented house in Paris became the training center for those who were accepted for the service of the sick and the poor

Monsieur Vincent had always been slow and cautious in his dealings with Louise and the new group. He said he had never had any idea of ​​founding a new community, that it was God who did everything. “Your convent,” he said, “will be the home of the sick; your cell, a rented room; your chapel, the parish church; your cloister, city streets or hospital wards. “Their dress had to be that of the peasant women. It was only years later that Vincent de Paul finally allowed four of the women to take annual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Even more years passed before the company was formally approved by Rome and placed under the direction of Vincent's congregation of priests.

Many of the young women were illiterate. However, it was reluctantly that the new community took care of the abandoned children. Louise was busy helping wherever it was needed despite her poor health. He traveled throughout France, establishing members of his community in hospitals, orphanages and other institutions. At his death on March 15, 1660, the congregation had more than 40 houses in France. Six months later Vincent de Paul followed her into death. Louise de Marillac was canonized in 1934 and declared patroness of social workers in 1960.

Reflection: In Luisa's time, serving the needs of the poor was usually a luxury that only beautiful women could afford. His mentor, St. Vincent de Paul, wisely realized that peasant women could reach the poor more effectively and the Daughters of Charity were born under his leadership. Today that order - together with the Sisters of Charity - continues to care for the sick and the elderly and to provide refuge for orphans. Many of its members are social workers who work hard under Louise's patronage. The rest of us must share his concern for the disadvantaged.