Rosary to Padre Pio for an important grace



1. In the first moment of suffering we remember

From the Letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Galatians (6,14-17)
“As for me, however, there is no other boast than in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by means of which the world was crucified for me, as I am for the world. In fact, it is not circumcision that matters, nor circumcision, but being a new creature. And on all those who will follow this norm, be peace and mercy, as on all the Israel of God. From now on, no one bother me: in fact I carry the stigmata of Jesus in my body ".

Biographical information of Padre Pio
On the morning of Friday 20 September 1918, Padre Pio praying in front of the Crucifix of the Choir of the old church of San Giovanni Rotondo (Fg), where he resided since 28 July 1916, received the gift of the stigmata who remained open, fresh and bleeding for half a century and who disappeared 48 hours before dying. We meditate on the mystery of the Crucified Christ at whose school Father Pio of Pietrelcina placed himself and on his example, fixing our gaze on the Crucified One, we value our suffering in discount of our sins and for the conversion of sinners.

Spiritual thoughts of Padre Pio
There are sublime joys and deep sorrows. On earth everyone has his cross. The cross puts the soul at the gates of heaven.

Our father; 10 Glory to the Father; 1 Ave Maria.

Short prayers
My Jesus, forgive our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell and bring to heaven all souls especially the most needy of your divine mercy.
And give holy priests and fervent religious to your church.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us.

2. In the second moment of suffering we remember

From the first letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians (4, 10-13)
“We fools because of Christ, you wise in Christ; we weak, you strong; you honored, we despised. Up to this moment we are suffering from hunger, thirst, nakedness, we are slapped, we wander from place to place, we tire by working with our hands. Insulted, we bless; persecuted, we endure; slandered, we comfort; we have become like the garbage of the world, the refusal of all, until today ".

Biographical information of Padre Pio
The wickedness of men, the perversion of the heart, the jealousy of people and other factors allowed suspicions and slanders to feed on the moral life of Padre Pio. In her inner serenity, in her purity of feelings and heart, in the perfect awareness of. being right, Padre Pio also accepted the slander, waiting for his slanderers to come out into the open and tell the truth. Which happened regularly. Strengthened by Jesus' warning, Padre Pio in front of those who wanted his evil returned the good offenses received with good and forgiveness. We meditate on the mystery of the dignity of the human person, the image of God, but also, many times, reflection of the evil that lurks in the hearts of men. Following the example of Padre Pio, we know how to use words and gestures only to communicate and transmit the good, never to offend and denigrate people.

Spiritual thoughts of Padre Pio
Silence is the last defense. We do the will of God the rest does not count. The weight of the cross staggers, its power lifts.

Our father; 10 Glory to the Father; 1 Ave Maria.

Short prayers
My Jesus, forgive our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell and bring to heaven all souls especially the most needy of your divine mercy. And give holy priests and fervent religious to your church.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us.

3. In the third moment of suffering we remember

From the Gospel according to Matthew (16,14:XNUMX)
“Jesus dismissed the crowd, went up to the mountain, alone, to pray. When evening came, he was still alone up there. "

Biographical information of Padre Pio
After his priestly ordination and following the gift of the stigmata, Padre Pio was repeatedly segregated in his convent by order of the ecclesiastical authorities. The faithful flocked to him from all sides, because they considered him, already in life, a saint. The extraordinary events that occurred in his life and that he tried to keep hidden, precisely to avoid fanaticism and speculation, aroused disturbing problems in the Church and in the world of science. The interventions of his superiors such as those of the Holy See forced him to be several times far from his devotees and from the exercise of the priestly ministry, especially of confession. Padre Pio was obedient in everything and lived those long periods of isolation more closely linked to his Lord, in the private celebration of the Holy Mass. We meditate on the mystery of solitude, which accompanies the experience of Jesus Christ, left alone, by his own apostles in the moment of passion, and on the example of Padre Pio we try to find in God our hope and true companionship.

Spiritual thoughts of Padre Pio
Jesus is never without the cross, but the cross is never without Jesus. Jesus asks us to carry a piece of his cross. Pain is the arm of infinite love.

Our father; 10 Glory to the Father; 1 Ave Maria.

Short prayers
My Jesus, forgive our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell and bring all the souls in need of your divine mercy to heaven. Donate holy priests and fervent religious to your church.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us.

4. In the fourth moment of suffering we remember

From the Letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Romans (8,35-39)
“Who will then separate us from the love of Christ? Perhaps tribulation, anguish, persecution, hunger, nakedness, danger, sword? Just as it is written: Because of you we are put to death all day, we are treated like sheep for slaughter. But in all these things we are more than winners by virtue of the one who loved us. In fact, I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, neither present nor future, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature can ever separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus, our Lord ".

Biographical information of Padre Pio
From the novitiate, Padre Pio began to suffer strange diseases of which an exact diagnosis was never made, which never left him for life. But he himself was eager to suffer for the love of God, to accept pain as a means of atonement, in order to be able to better imitate Christ, who saved men in passion and death. Suffering that intensified over the course of life and which became heavier towards the end of his earthly existence.
Let us meditate on the mystery of the suffering of our brothers and sisters, those who bear the face of Jesus Crucified better imprinted in body and spirit.

Spiritual thoughts of Padre Pio
A soul pleasing to God is always under test. In adverse events, the mercy of Jesus will support you.

Our father; 10 Glory to the Father; 1 Ave Maria.

Short prayers
My Jesus, forgive our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell and bring to heaven all souls especially the most needy of your divine mercy. And give holy priests and fervent religious to your church.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us.

5. In the fifth moment of suffering we remember

From the Gospel according to John (19, 25-30).
“They were at the cross of Jesus his mother, his mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas and Mary of Magdala. Jesus then, seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved there beside her, said to his mother: < >. Then he said to the disciple: <>. And from that moment the disciple took her into his home. After this, Jesus, knowing that everything had already been accomplished, said to fulfill the Scripture: <>. There was a jar full of vinegar there; they therefore placed a sponge soaked in vinegar on top of a reed and held it to his mouth. And after receiving the vinegar, Jesus said: <>. And, bowing his head, he expired ”.

Biographical information of Padre Pio
On September 22, 1968, at five in the morning, Padre Pio celebrated his last mass. The next day, at 2,30, Padre Pio, at the age of 81, died serenely pronouncing the words "Jesus and Mary. It was September 23, 1968 and the news of the death of the Capuchin friar of San Giovanni Rotondo spread all over the world, provoking in all his devotees a sense of nostalgia, but also a deep conviction that a religious saint had died. Over one hundred thousand people attend his solemn funeral.

Spiritual thoughts of Padre Pio
Do not be discouraged if you work hard and collect little. God is a spirit of peace and mercy. If the soul strives to improve, Jesus rewards it. Let's lean on the cross, we will find comfort.

Our father; 10 Glory to the Father; 1 Ave Maria

Short prayers
My Jesus, forgive our sins, preserve us from the fire of hell and bring to heaven all souls especially the most needy of your divine mercy. And give holy priests and fervent religious to your church.
Queen of peace, pray for us.
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, pray for us.