How Satan interrupts your prayers so as not to get them to God

Satan works constantly in our lives. His is an activity that knows no pauses or rest: his ambushes are continuous, his ability to suggest evil is difficult to grasp and very difficult to eradicate, his mystifying qualities make it difficult to recognize and fight it, especially for those Christians with a solid faith, who represent his favorite targets. Especially when they pray.

In this regard, we would like to tell you the story of a boy born under the sign of Satan (his parents were Satanists), who consecrated his life to the devil, before converting to Christianity. His conversion would take place by an entire community which he intended to attack with the support of the demons of which he was esteemed ally, but from which he was defeated thanks to collective faith and fasting.

As a profound connoisseur of the dark forces, the boy represented an unprecedented source of information for those who want to fight evil and knew all the ways in which Satan interrupted our prayers. And for this reason John Mulinde, a priest born and operating in Uganda, wanted to hear what the boy had to say. Regarding the credibility of John Mulinde, it is enough to mention the fact that he was disfigured with acid by gangs of Islamic extremists who hated his work. What he learned about the forces of evil is of extraordinary importance today.

According to the boy, the world must be imagined as covered with a dark rock (evil). The intensity of the prayers varies according to their ability to pierce this evil blanket, and to radiate upwards to reach God. He distinguishes three types of prayers: those coming from those who pray occasionally; those of those who pray quite often and consciously, but in free moments; those of those who pray continuously because they feel the need.

In the first case, a kind of smoke with little consistency is raised with the prayers, which is dispersed in the air without even being able to reach the black blanket. In the second case, the spiritual smoke rises in the air, but is dispersed on contact with the dark curtain. In the third case, these are extremely believing people whose prayer is frequent and whose smoke is able to pierce the dark layer and project themselves upwards and towards God.

Satan knows well that the intensity of prayer depends on the continuity with which he dialogues with God, and tries to sever this relationship when the bond becomes closer, through a series of small tricks that are often enough to achieve the goal : distract. He rings the phone, causes a sudden hunger that pushes the Christian to interrupt his prayer, or causes small physical ailments or pains that deviate and induce to postpone the prayer.

At that point Satan's goal is achieved. So let us not be distracted by anything when we are praying. We continue until we feel that our prayer has become linear, pleasant, and intense. We continue until we break the barriers of evil, because once the blanket is perforated, there is no way for Satan to bring us back.