Say this prayer every night before going to bed

Prayer to be said before going to sleep.

My precious Lord,
As this day draws to a close,
I take this moment to address you.
Help me in this quiet moment to examine my day.

(Take a short self-examination).

Lord, thank you for helping me see my sin.
Please give me the grace of humility
So that I can unreservedly admit all my sins.

I pray that all sins will be forgiven,
And I open myself to Your grace
In order for Your merciful Heart to create me again.

I also remember the way you were present to me on this day.

(Take a moment to meditate on the graces God has blessed you with this day)

Lord, I thank you for the blessings of this day.
Please help me see these blessings as Your divine presence in my life.

May I turn away from sin and turn to You.
Your presence in my life brings great joy;
My sin leads to pain and despair.

I choose you as my Lord.
I choose you as my guide
And pray for Your abundant blessings tomorrow.

May this night be restful in You.
Let it be a night of renewal.

Speak to me, Lord, while I sleep.
Protect me all night.

My guardian angel, Saint Joseph, my blessed Mother,
Intercede for me now and forever.
