If you love me don't cry

If you love me don't cry.
If you knew the bliss that I live
The beauty where I am
And the love I have
You wouldn't cry.
I don't live far from you
In fact, I am close to you
We are always together
My life is only transformed
But I live, I live forever.
Do not Cry
But rather pray and love Jesus
To live what I live
To love as I love now.
The skies are immense and infinite
Joy is endless
Even if you don't see me
I live, I live forever.
If you love me don't cry
I am united with you in love
Our souls are merged into God
I am close to you
I know your every tribulation
But I promise you
That I will pray to God for you
For you to live what I live now.
Do not Cry
There is no reason for you to cry
I live in the kingdom of heaven
Where everything is love and joy.
Me when I was in this world
I thought how you had to live well
But now that I've discovered the skies
I just hope you come here
And live what I live.
If you love me don't cry
Here life continues
And even if you miss me
I don't feel yours
I just want you to understand
That life on earth
You must live it oriented towards the eternal one.
You don't have to get down
You do not have to cry
You just have to love and understand eternity.
Call me. Talk to me. I don't live far from you
If you love me don't cry
I am happy and live in joy
I only ask you to love
Here the joy is immense
Bliss is endless.
Don't cry, there is no reason
Someday we'll be together forever.
If you love me don't cry