Signs and messages from animals in the afterlife

Do animals in the afterlife, like pets, send people signs and messages from heaven? Sometimes they do, but animal communication after death is different from how human souls communicate after death.

If an animal you loved has died and you would like a sign from him or her, here's how you could perceive it if God makes it possible for your animal companion to contact you.

A gift but not a guarantee
As much as you want to hear from a beloved animal that has died, you can't make it happen if it's not God's will.

Try to force the afterlife communication

- or operating outside the relationship of trust with God - is dangerous and can open communication portals to fallen angels with evil reasons that can take advantage of your pain to deceive you.

The best way to start is to pray; asking God to send a message from you to the deceased animal indicating your desire to experience some kind of sign or to receive some sort of message from that animal.

Express your love wholeheartedly when you pray, for love vibrates a powerful electromagnetic energy that can send signals from your soul to the soul of the animal through the dimensions between Earth and sky.

Once you have prayed, open your mind and heart to receive all the communications that may come.

But be sure to put your trust in God to organize that communication at the right times and in the right ways. Be at peace that God, who loves you, will do it if it is his will.

Margrit Coates, in her book Communicating with animals: How to tune them Intuitively writes:

“Animal messengers travel through the dimensions of time and space to be with us.

We have no control over this process and we cannot make it happen, but when the meeting takes place, we are invited to enjoy it every second. "

Be encouraged that there is a good chance that you will hear something from your beloved missing animal.

In her book All Pets Go to Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love, Sylvia Browne writes:

“Just like our loved ones who have passed the check on us and visit us occasionally, so do our beloved pets.

I have received many stories from people about dead animals who have returned to visit. "

Ways to be receptive to communication

The best way to tune in to whatever signal and message is making your way from heaven is to develop a close relationship with God and his messengers, the angels, through regular prayer and meditation.

As you practice spiritual communication, your ability to perceive heavenly messages will increase. Coates in Communicating with Animals writes:

"Participating in meditations can help improve our intuitive awareness so that we are more able to tune in and communicate better with animals in the afterlife."

It is also important to remember that strong negative emotions - such as those produced by unresolved pain - create negative energy that interferes with signals or messages from heaven.

So if you are dealing with anger, worry or other negative emotions, ask God to help you resolve your pain before trying to hear from that animal.

Your guardian angels can also help you give you new ideas to process your pain and come to peace with the death of the pet (or another animal) you miss.

Coates even suggests sending a message to the animal in paradise, letting him know that you are struggling but that they are honestly trying to heal your pain:

“Unresolved pain and the pressure of strong emotions can create a barrier to intuitive awareness. [...]

Speak aloud to animals about what troubles you; bottling emotions radiates a cloud of disturbing energy. [...] lets the animals know that you are working through your pain towards a goal of contentment. "

Types of signs and messages sent by animals
After praying, pay attention to God's help by listening to an animal in heaven.

Signs or messages that animals can send to humans from beyond:

Telepathic messages of simple thoughts or feelings.
Perfumes that remind you of the animal.

Physical touch (like hearing an animal jump on a bed or sofa).
Sounds (like hearing the voice of an animal barking, meowing, etc.).

Dream messages (in which an animal usually appears visually).

Objects related to the earthly life of an animal (such as the collar of an animal inexplicably visible somewhere you will notice).

Written messages (how to read the name of an animal immediately after thinking about that animal).
The apparitions in vision (these are rare because they require a lot of spiritual energy, but sometimes it happens).

Browne writes in All Pets Go to Heaven:

“I want people to know that their pets live and communicate with them in this world and even on the other side

- not just meaningless chatter but real conversation. You will be surprised how much telepathy comes to you from the animals you love if you just clear your mind and listen. "

Because communication after life takes place by means of energy vibrations and animals vibrate at frequencies

lower than those of humans, it is not as easy for animal souls to send signals and messages through dimensions as it is for human souls.

Therefore, the communication that comes from animals in heaven tends to be simpler than the communication that people in heaven send.

Usually, animals have enough spiritual energy to send short messages of emotion

across the dimensions from heaven to earth, writes Barry Eaton in his book No Goodbyes: Life-Changing Insights from Other Side.

Any guide message (which tends to present many details and therefore requires more energy to communicate) than

the animals they usually send come from angels or human souls in heaven (spiritual guides) who help the animals to deliver those messages.

"Higher beings in spirit are able to carry their energy through the form of an animal," he writes.

If this phenomenon occurs, you can see what is called a totem pole - a spirit that looks like a dog,

cat, bird, horse or other beloved animal, but in reality it is an angel or spiritual guide who manifests energy in the form of an animal to deliver a message on behalf of an animal.

You are most likely to experience the spiritual encouragement of a celestial animal at times when you are most likely to experience the help of an angel - when you are in some kind of danger.

Browne writes in All Pets Go to Heaven that deceased animals have had relationships with sometimes "come and protect us in dangerous situations".

Love bonds
Since the essence of God is love, love is the most powerful spiritual force that exists. If you loved

an animal while alive on Earth and that animal loved you, you will all gather in heaven because the vibrational energy of the love you shared will unite you forever.

The love bond also increases the chance of being able to perceive signs or messages from former pets or other animals that were special to you.

Animals and people who have shared bonds of love on Earth will always be connected by the energy of that love. Coates writes in Communicating with animals:

"Love is a very powerful energy, it creates its own communication network ... When we love an animal we are made a promise and it is this: my soul will always be linked to your soul. I am always with you. "

One of the most common ways that departed animals communicate with people is by sending their signature of spiritual energy to be with someone they loved on Earth.

The goal is to comfort the person they loved who is in mourning. When this happens, people will become aware of that animal's energy because they will feel a presence that reminds them of that animal. Eaton in No Goodbyes writes:

“Animal spirits often go back to spending a lot of time with their former human friends, especially those who are alone and very alone.

They share their energy with their human friends, and together with the person's guides and helping spirits [such as angels and saints], they have their unique role to play in healing. "

Whether or not you receive a sign or message from an animal you love in heaven, you can be sure that anyone who is connected to you through love will always remain connected to you. Love never dies.