Follow the advice of the Saints on the Sacrament of Confession

San Pio X - Negligence for one's soul goes as far as neglecting the same sacrament of penance, of which Christ gave us nothing, in his extreme goodness, that was more salutary to human frailty.

JOHN PAUL II - It would be foolish, as well as presumptuous, to want to arbitrarily disregard the instruments of grace and salvation that the Lord has ordered and, in the specific case, to expect to receive forgiveness by doing without the Sacrament, instituted by Christ precisely for forgiveness . The renewal of the rites, carried out after the Council, does not authorize any illusion and alteration in this direction.

St. JOHN MARIA VIANNEY - There is nothing that offends the good Lord as much as the despair of his mercy. There are those who say: “I've done too many; the good god cannot forgive me. " It is a great blasphemy. And to put a limit on the mercy of God, while it has none because it is infinite.

Msgr. GIUSEPPE ROSSINO - Without repentance Confession is a lifeless skeleton, since repentance constitutes the soul of this sacrament.

Saint John Chrysostom - The power to forgive sins exceeds that of all the great ones on earth and even the dignity of the angels: it is exclusively of the priest to whom only God has been able to grant it.

MARCIAL MACIEL - Frequently approaching the sacrament of reconciliation, recommended by the Church, promotes self-knowledge, increases humility, helps eradicate bad habits, increases the sensitivity of conscience, avoids falling into softness or indolence strengthens the will and leads the soul to a more intimate identification with Christ.

FRENCH EPISCOPATE - The frequent confession of children is a duty of the first order of the pastoral ministry. The priest will put patient and enlightened care into this ministry which is essential for the formation of consciences.

HANS SCHALK - Confession is not a humiliating conversation between one man and another, during which one is afraid and ashamed while the other has the power to judge him. Confession is a meeting of two people who fully trust in the presence of the Lord among themselves, promised by him where even only two men are gathered in his name.

GILBERT K. CHESTERTON - When people ask me or anyone else: "Why did you join the Church of Rome", the first answer is: "To free me from my sins; since there is no other religious system that truly declares to free people from sins ... I have only found a religion that dares to descend with me into the depths of myself ".

Sant'ALFONSO M. DE 'LIGUORI - If in all confessors the science and goodness suitable for so much ministry were found, the world would not be so muddied with sins, nor hell so full of souls.

LION XII - The confessor who fails to help the penitent to have the proper dispositions is no longer willing to listen to confessions than penitents are to confess.

GEORGE BERNANOS - We are a people of Christians on the way. Pride is the sin of those who believe they have reached the finish line.

MARCIAL MACIEL - The priest will hardly be a good confessor if he does not frequently and deeply experience the personal sacrament of reconciliation.

St. LEOPOLDO MANDIC - When I confess and give advice, I feel the full weight of my ministry and I cannot betray my conscience. As a priest, minister of God, I have a stole on my shoulders, I am not afraid of anyone. First and foremost the truth.

Don GIOVANNI BARRA - Confessing means starting a new life, it means trying and trying again the adventure of holiness every time.

Father BERNARD BRO - Who in the face of our sin tells us that it is good, who makes us believe, under any pretext, that there is no more sin, he cooperates in the worst form of despair.

Father UGO ROCCO SJ - If the confessional could speak, he would certainly have to deplore human misery and malice, but even more he should exalt the inexhaustible mercy of God.

JOHN PAUL II - From the encounter with the figure of Saint John M. Vianney I drew the conviction that the priest fulfills an essential part of his mission through the confessional, through that voluntary 'becoming prisoner of the confessional ".

SEBASTIANO MOSSO - The Council of Trent asserted that when the priest acquits, he truly performs an act similar to that of the judge: that is, he does not only find that God has already forgiven the penitent, but forgives, absolves, here and now the penitent, acting own responsibility, in the name of Jesus Christ.

BENEDETTA BIANCHI PORRO - When I am tempted, I too confess immediately: so the evil is driven away and strength is drawn. Saint Augustine - sinful man! Here are two different words: man and sinner. Man is one word, sinner another. And in these two words we immediately understand that "man" made him God, the "sinner" made him man. God created man, who made himself a sinner. God tells you this: "Destroy what you have done and I too will keep what I have created".

JOSEF BOMMER - As the eye reacts to light, so consciousness reacts by its nature to the good. It consists of a judgment of human intelligence on the moral quality of an action that is about to take place or an action that has already been carried out. A righteous conscience forms this judgment starting from a superior norm, from an absolute general law.

Father FRANCESCO BERSINI - Christ does not want to forgive your sins without the Church, nor can the Church forgive them without Christ. There is no peace with God without peace with the Church.

GILBERT K. CHESTERTON - Psychoanalysis is a confessional without the guarantees of the confessional.

MICHEL QUOIST - Confession is a mysterious exchange: you make a gift of all your sins to Jesus Christ, He cheers gift of all his redemption.

Saint Augustine - He who does not believe that sins are forgiven in the Church, despises the great generosity of this divine gift; and if he ends his last day in this obstinacy of the mind, he makes himself guilty of the unspeakable sin against the Holy Spirit, by which Christ forgives sins.

JOHN PAUL II - In the confessional, the fatherhood of the priest is fully realized. Precisely in the confessional every priest becomes a witness of the great miracles that divine mercy works in the soul that accepts the grace of conversion.

GIUSEPPE A. NOCILLI - There is absolutely nothing that can precede the sacrament of confession in the concern and concern of a priest.

JOSEF BOMMER - Two great dangers threaten the current confession: habit and superficiality.

PIUS XII - We highly recommend that pious use, introduced by the Church as inspiration of the Holy Spirit, of frequent Confession, with which the right knowledge of himself is increased, Christian humility grows, the perversity of the customs is eradicated, the neglect is resisted and spiritual torpor, the conscience is purified, the will is strengthened, the salutary direction of consciences is procured and grace is increased by virtue of the sacrament itself. Therefore, those who among the young clergy attenuate or extinguish the esteem of frequent Confession, know that they undertake something alien from the spirit of Christ and most fatal to the mystical Body of our Savior.

JOHN PAUL II - The priest, in the ministry of Penance, must state not his private opinions, but the doctrine of Christ and the Church. To express personal opinions in conflict with the Magisterium of the Church, both solemn and ordinary, is, therefore, not only betraying souls, exposing them to very serious spiritual dangers and causing them to suffer an anguished inner torment, but it is to contradict the priestly ministry in its very essential core .

ENRICO MEDI - Without the confession, think about what fearful cemetery of death humanity would have reduced.

Father BERNARD BRO - There is no salvation without liberation, nor liberation without Confession, nor Confession without conversion. San PIO da PIETRELCINA - I tremble every time I have to go down to the confessional, because there I have to administer the Blood of Christ.